By now, unfortunately, a ‘tween girl at El
Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago's little exercise in apartheid cosplay has been
hauled into the national spotlight because she happened to be standing behind
him when the lizard-brained chant of "send her back" erupted in
reference to Rep. Ilhan Omar, a sitting member of the United States Congress.
Because of the wizardry of modern video technology, television had zoomed
right in on her as she slowly picks up the chant with no apparent enthusiasm.
She then became little more than an object lesson. I wish her well. I hope
she grows up to be Dorothy Day. I hope she grows up to be Exene Cervenka, if
that's what she wants. I hope she grows up happy and at peace with the world.
I hope she grows up in a country where incitement-to-riot isn't a net-plus in
presidential elections. I hope, but it's getting harder by the hour. Read More

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