Dear David,
Each year, we celebrate our Mothers for all the love they gave us, all the things they taught us, and all the encouragement they gave us to help us to become the people we are.
 I'm thankful for all that my mother did for me, all that my mother-in-law does for my family, and for the great mother my wife is to our children. I hope that they all know how much I appreciate them each and every day.
To honor the mothers in our lives, I hope you will all join me in working to ensure they (and all women) have access to all the care they need to continue to enjoy every bit of life.
As a radiologist, the importance of regular mammography is something I'm acutely aware of. Skipping that screening could be the difference between a woman having a last Mother's Day with her family and having dozens more Mother's Day experiences. We need to do better for our mothers by making sure the full range of ongoing care such as mammography is available to them without hardship.
We should experience the maximum number of Mother's Days with our moms and our children.
My staff tells me that these emails need to have an ask, so here's the ask - if you aren't able to spend the day with your mother, call her. Ask her if she's seeing her doctor regularly and getting the proper preventative care. Tell her you want to make sure you can spend next Mother's Day with her, and the one after that.
Here's to many more Mother's Days shared with the ones you love,
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