As we look into the past, and try to Understand the Mindset of the TERRORIST, Sometimes Two Important Points are Forgotten;
- Those who Plan and Direct Terrorist Operations, are often not the Ones who carry Them Out.
- The Motivations, Expectations and Backgrounds of TERRORIST OPERATIVES are not Identical, and may Vary According to the Situation and Circumstances.
To say All Terrorists Desire the Same Things, and Act according to a Standard Set of Guidelines is a Simplistic Look at a More Complex Problem. In Fact, in Many Cases, we find Those Committing Acts of Terrorism to be Simple Pawns, who are caring out the Directives or Wishes of an often Hidden and Shadow Organization, who realize that Survival Means Remaining in the Background, letting others carry out ACTS OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION.
What this leaves us with is the following Dilemma, are the Recruitment Techniques and Messages to bring in new Blood for Future Operations, Truly Representative of the Actual Objectives and Goals of the Organization, or are They Modified to Bring in a Wider Pool of Potential Recruits.
So when looking for possible New Recruits, what Categories of Individuals would make the Most Likely Candidates, and how would the Terrorist Message be Adapted to Appeal to Them.
THE YOUNG AND IDEALISTIC- Individuals who still look at the World Through the Eyes of the Inexperienced and Ill- Prepared Young Adult, who believe That all They need is an Opportunity to prove how Important they are. The Members of this Group Tend to Act on Impulse, sometimes without considering the Ramifications of Their Actions. To Them, there is only now, and the Future will take care of itself.
Emotional Immaturity is a Classic Trait to Exploit, being Susceptible to the Attention and Flattery of Older and More Respected Members of Society.
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