We are pleased to announce that the spring 2019 APA Newsletters are now available. The table of contents for each current issue appears below with a link to that particular newsletter. The complete volume is available for download as well.
The newsletters contain a wide variety of scholarly material, discussion on relevant and timely topics, book reviews, and much more. We encourage you to check them out and share them with your colleagues and students.
All the best,
Erin Shepherd
Publications Coordinator
From the Guest Editor
“Buddhist Philosophy Worldwide: Perspectives and Programs,” Rafal Stepien
Submission Guidelines and Information
“Buddhist Philosophy in Australian Universities,” John Powers and Leesa S. Davis
“Buddhist Philosophy, and Eastern Philosophy in General, in Israel and Palestine,” Roy Tzohar
“Buddhist Philosophy in the Kathmandu Valley,” Karin Meyers
“Buddhist Philosophy in Poland: Legacy and Prospects,” Jakub Zamorski
“Study of Buddhist Philosophy in Sri Lanka,” Asanga Tilakaratne
“Buddhist Philosophy in Two Japanese Cross-Philosophical Approaches,” Shinya Moriyama
“Sanskrit-based Buddhist Philosophy in China Today,” He Huanhuan
“Teaching Buddhism as Philosophy,” Zhihua Yao
“Preserving the Four Noble Truths at the Heart of Buddhist Pedagogy,” Joseph McClellan
“Sailing against the Current: The Buddha, Buddhism, and Methodology,” Hari Shankar Prasad
Editor’s Introduction
Lauren Freeman
About the Newsletter
Submission Guidelines
“White Women Misogynists,” Kathryn J. Norlock
“What Do Men Find Threatening about Women’s Empowerment?,” Agnes Callard
“Masculine Foes, Feminist Woes: A Response to Down Girl,” Briana Toole
“Misogyny and Humanism,” Ishani Maitra
“Misogyny and Dehumanization,” Audrey Yap
“Autism, Himpathy, and Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny,” Elle Benjamin
“Response to Critics,” Kate Manne
Book Reviews
Linda MartÃn Alcoff: Rape and Resistance, Reviewed by Charlotte Witt
Laura Hengehold and Nancy Bauer, eds.: Blackwell’s A Companion to Simone de Beauvoir, Reviewed by Céline Leboeuf
Mary Rawlinson: Just Life: Bioethics and the Future of Sexual Difference, Reviewed by Ellie Anderson
F. Vera-Gray: Men’s Intrusion: Women’s Embodiment. A Critical Analysis of Street Harassment, Reviewed by Meryl Altman
Sandrine Bergès: The Social and Political Philosophy of Mary Wollstonecraft, Reviewed by Valerie Williams
News from the CSW
Contributor Bios
From the Editor
Carlos A. Sánchez
Calls for Submissions
2018 Essay Prize in Latin American Thought winner: “Letting Go of Mestizaje: Settler Colonialism and Latin American/Latinx Philosophy,” Julio Covarrubias
“Canonical Philosophy, Mexican Philosophy,” Manuel Vargas
“Afra X and the Subjectivity of Taking Care of Objects,” Gertrude James González de Allen
Contributor Bios
From the Managing Editor
Agnes B. Curry
Submission Guidelines
“Walk On, Dear Sister, Walk On,” Andrea Clarke Sullivan
“Countering Epistemic Guardianship with Epistemic Sovereignty through the Land,” Brian Yazzie Burkhart
“The Role of Hardship in Mexica Ethics: Or, Why Being Good Has to Hurt,” James Maffie
Featured Article
“Turing’s Mystery Machine,” Jack Copeland and Diane Proudfoot
“Systems with ‘Subjective Feelings’: The Logic of Conscious Machines,” Igor Aleksander
“Conscious Machine Perception,” Magnus Johnsson
“Transhumanism: The Best Minds of Our Generation Are Needed for Shaping Our Future,” Stefan Lorenz Sorgner
Philosophical Cartoon
“What and Where Are Colors?,” Riccardo Manzotti
From the Chair
Marcello Guarini
From the Editor
Peter Boltuc
Call for Papers
From the Editors
Stephen C. Ferguson II and Dwayne Tunstall
Submission Guidelines and Information
Footnotes to History
Wayman B. McLaughlin (1927–2003)
“An Anatomy of ESP (Economic, Social, and Political) Oppression,” William R. Jones
“Another World Is Possible: A Marxist Philosophy of Revolution,” Stephen C. Ferguson II
“The Wages of Sin Is Death: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Rhetorics of Black Manhood and the Contemporary Discourse on Black Male Death,” Adebayo Ogungbure
“Between Africa and America: Alexander Crummell’s Moral and Political Philosophy,” Dalitso Ruwe
From the Editor
Aaron Champene
“One Semester In,” Rebecca Scott
“Teaching the Students We Have So They Become the Learners They Need to Be: Metacognition in Philosophy at Two-Year Colleges,” Kristina Grob
“Teaching a No-Cost Class,” Hoon J. Lee
“Some Advice for Graduate Students Considering the Community College,” Bill Hartmann
Call for Papers
From the Editors
Tziporah Kasachkoff and Eugene Kelly
Submission Guidelines
Articles and Poems
“Kant Was a Racist. Now What?,” David McCabe
“Teaching and Testing,” Steven M. Cahn
“An ‘A’ for Effort?,” Felicia Nimue Ackerman
“Physics Envy,” Felicia Nimue Ackerman
“A Plea for Critical Thinking,” Felicia Nimue Ackerman
“Calling All Zingers!,” Felicia Nimue Ackerman
Book Review
Steven M. Cahn, Alexandra Bradner, and Andrew Mills, eds.: Philosophers in the Classroom: Essays on Teaching, Reviewed by Nils Ch. Rauhut
Books Received
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