Let us examine recent history, and ask the following question: If you wanted to Control, Change, and/or set Public Policy in the U.S. how would you do it? The Answer: Take over the 3 Branches of government that are responsible for Creating, Maintaining, or Altering existing Laws and Policy.
These are the:
- Executive.
- Legislative.
- Judicial.
With the CHECK AND BALANCES SYSTEM set up by the Constitution, no one Branch should be able force its will on the other two, safeguarding us against the TYRANNY AND ABUSE OF POWER that was the Hallmark of Oppresive Governments throughout human history. However, what would happen if a Group of UNSCRUPULOUS INDIVIDUALS DECIDED TO ABUSE THE SYSTEM, by making sure that only their cronies would sit at the top of each branch, loyal only to those who gave them power and privilege, tossing aside the U.S. CONSTITUTION, AND ANY OATH TAKEN TO PROTECT IT.
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