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Saturday, April 28, 2018

Will you help these women too, David? U.S. SENATOR KAMALA HARRIS.


"Kamala, it can't be done." "You won't win." "Wait your turn."

I can't tell you how many people have said those words to me.

Fortunately, I didn't listen. Thanks to a family led by powerful and fearless women, I believed in myself enough to run for office anyway.

In my first race for San Francisco district attorney, I challenged a two-term incumbent from a well-known political family. And when I ran for attorney general of California, my opponent was a popular Republican elected official.

Still — we won both campaigns. And thanks to the support of
EMILY's List, I became the first woman and Indian American to be California attorney general; and in 2017 I became the first Indian American and second African American woman to serve in the U.S. Senate.

Now, I'm excited to join this community in helping get even more women into elected office — including two running to join me in the Senate.

...help elect the next generation of pro-choice Democratic women lawmakers.

This year, we need to send my 10 sisters with seats up for re-election back to the Senate where their voices are desperately needed. And we need to add Jacky Rosen (NV) and Kyrsten Sinema (AZ) to our ranks and turn the Senate blue.

We also need to help all the EMILY's List women running up and down the ballot for the House, governors' offices, and state and local seats.

As someone who began her political career at the local level, I know electing pro-choice Democratic women is not only how we fight back against the Trump administration; it's also how we can create lasting change.

They need us to show we believe in them — just like you did for me — by sending our strongest support and giving them the resources they need to win in November.

Thanks and let's keep fighting,

Kamala Harris
U.S. Senator, California

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