![Megalomania, Hybris, High Spirits, Pride](https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/12/30/08/49/megalomania-3049551__340.jpg)
The Sociopath has often been labeled as mentally ill, or even insane. As human beings, it is often difficult for us to judge extreme behavior. Since we often cannot place ourselves in situations that would lead us to act as the Sociopath does, the result is defining such actions as a product of a diseased mind. However, the Sociopath has no physical or chemical abnormalities. They process information in a rational manner, and act on what they perceive to be in their best interest. The difference is that most people consider the affect on other individuals and society as a whole to be of value to them physically and/or emotionally. The Sociopath doesn't.
Don't get me wrong, There are certain conditions that can cause an individual to act with great violence and cruelty, for which they cannot be held accountable either morally or legally. This is commonly called PSYCHOTIC BEHAVIOR.
Often, the Sociopath and the Psychopath are grouped together as being one and the same. However, this is not true. The person with a diagnosis of Psychosis has a real and identifiable condition, resulting from a physical abnormality and/or chemical imbalance within the brain. The Sociopath has no such problems.
Look for pt.3 in a future posting.
Date- 6/23/2013.
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