As time goes on, I wonder more frequently if people actually take the time to think about certain topics critically, before offering an opinion.
Naturally, I am not referring to who is going to win the Super Bowl, or which movie should win the Oscar for Best Picture. I am referencing the current venom being spouted out publicly about immigration into the United States. So, for once, let us sit back and consider the issue calmly and thoughtfully.
Let us first look at a few myths, currently being spread by rabble rousing hate mongers.
1) The U.S. Government wants to let everyone in, no questions asked.
- If you can quote any Politician who has said anything like this, by all means
send me an e-mail with proper citations. To my knowledge, no such sentiment has
ever been expressed, at least by an identifiable and credible public figure.
2) Closing the Borders is the only solution to safe guard the Territory of the U.S.
- This such a silly statement, it defies reason. The United States has legal points of entry, just like every other country. Commerce, Tourism and other Visitors have perfectly legitimate and legal reasons to enter the U.S. every day.
For Terrorists to try to enter at these points would be foolish, THEY ARE STAFFED BY INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE THERE SPECIFICALLY TO BE WARY OF FOREIGN NATIONALS. People who have Valid/Legal documentation to be allowed entry should not be penalized by the paranoid.
When most Americans argue about the need to close the borders, what they are probably referring to is strengthening or building up areas that are hot spots for illicit or clandestine entry into the U.S. We'll get into this issue more in a future post.
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