On July 31st, the Massachusetts legislative session ends. This means we have ONE WEEK to push the MA House of Representatives to bring the Healthy Youth Act to the floor for a vote. We have the numbers on our side: 91 percent of likely voters support sex education, the majority of state representatives support the bill, and dozens of organizations have endorsed the Healthy Youth Act. With numbers like these, we need to make sure our voices are heard.

All day long, we’re mobilizing supporters like you to flood the Massachusetts House of Representatives with reasons why consent-focused, LGBTQ-inclusive sex ed is so important to young people across the state. Here’s how to call your representative:
Step 1: Use this form to find your state rep and be connected to their office phone.
Step 2: You’ll be connected with either a staffer or a voicemail. Share why theHealthy Youth Act is important to you!
Step 3: Make the ask! Urge your representative to bring the Healthy Youth Act to the floor for a vote.
When you’re done, forward this email to your friends, family, and colleagues. Then, share your activism on social media. Shout your support for the Healthy Youth Act from the rooftops. We have no time to waste.
Let’s make some noise!
Kim Kargman
Organizing Manager
Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts
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