Sometimes writing these Articles, is a test in patience. Many Americans seem to lack the capacity to understand the mechanics of the U.S. Political System, and the Majority of the Media could care less.
Here is part 1, about the reality of the 2014 ELECTION RESULTS.
#1- You remember the FILIBUSTER AND THE VETO, DON'T YOU?
The Republicans have a majority in the U.S. SENATE AND THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES- So what? President Obama had a majority in the Senate, and was blocked constantly. Why? A VOTING MAJORITY ONLY MATTERS IF THE BILL WAS SENT TO THE ENTIRE BODY FOR APPROVAL. The FILIBUSTER WAS USED BY THE REPUBLICANS CONSTANTLY, TO PREVENT A VOTE FROM TAKING PLACE ON THE FLOOR OF CONGRESS. The President needed a vote of 60% to overcome this way of killing any Bill, and it was something HE NEVER HAD. So, the minority was able to dictate policy.
Now that the Republicans have a majority, so I guess their in the drivers seat, right? Hardly. They can approve, by vote, anything they want. However, with the Presidential Veto, they will need 67%, not 60%, to bypass the President.
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