Modern Medicine is not your enemy.
I would like to introduce this new sub-category by pointing out the following; This subject matter may be the most important and at the same time the most controversial of anything I publish on this website.
We as a species seem to be at a crossroads. The advancements in Medicine that have occurred in the last century or so, have alleviated or cured diseases that have plagued mankind throughout recorded history.
We now can pinpoint cause and effect relationships that are addressed by government intervention and laws that create guidelines in Public Works, Proper Hygiene, Immunizations etc.
Yet, through all the research and development that has resulted in positive results, there are those who turn a blind-eye to progress in the Medical Field. They wish to return to Pseudo-Scientific and Empirically discredited forms of Healing and Preventive Medicine.
Some of the topics I will address include;
- Homeopathy.
- Naturopathy.
- Faith-Healing.
- Miracle Cures.
- Medical Quackery.
These are just a few examples. To my readers; If you have a specific request that will enhance an understanding of this subject, please let me know by e-mail.
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