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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Independence Day! Eugene Vindman.


Eugene Vindman for Congress

David —

Today marks an important day in our nation's history. 248 years ago, our founding fathers ratified the Declaration of Independence and freed our country and people from the oppressive control of the monarchy. As a Ukrainian immigrant and Army veteran, this day means a great deal to me.

However, today — in 2024 — our country and democracy are once again at a critical juncture as we face the threat of MAGA extremism and Donald Trump.

Our democracy hangs in the balance. Earlier this week, Trump’s hand-picked Supreme Court Justices ruled that he has absolute immunity from prosecution for “official acts” and will not be prosecuted for inciting the January 6th insurrection.

Justice Sotomayor said it best in her dissent: “In every use of official power, the president is now a king above the law.”

248 years after gaining independence, our country stands at the same crossroads, where our choices will determine whether we uphold democracy or fall to autocratic control.

So, David, as we celebrate the independence and freedoms our founding fathers fought long and hard for, we must also remember that our democracy itself is vulnerable under the rule of MAGA Republicans.

Today we rest and celebrate the day with our friends and family. But tomorrow, we will get back to work, fighting to take back the House and keep the Senate and the presidency. Because that is how we will protect and continue to preserve this fragile experiment that is our democracy.

Happy 4th.

Eugene Vindman

Eugene Vindman stood up to Donald Trump even when it cost him his career. That led to Trump's first impeachment.

Now that Eugene is running for Congress, Trump and the MAGA-right are doing everything they can to keep him out of Congress.

If you believe Eugene is the kind of leader we deserve in Congress, please consider making a donation today.

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