Dear Searchingforreason.N,
I’m so proud of what we accomplished last night in the 2018 midterm elections here in Massachusetts. The Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund launched our largest midterm electoral program to date, fighting back against discrimination and electing and reelecting bold leaders who will champion reproductive rights at the State House.
Here’s a recap of what we accomplished together:
Yes on 3, the state ballot measure to uphold transgender nondiscrimination protections, won in an overwhelming landslide. For months now, our organizers and volunteers have been hard at work supporting Yes on 3 by knocking on doors, making phone calls, and standing in solidarity with our transgender neighbors at every opportunity.
We reject the Trump administration’s efforts to erase civil rights protections for transgender people. With last night’s election results, we affirm the dignity and humanity of our transgender neighbors.
2.) We elected and reelected strong local leaders to the Massachusetts State House.
Thanks to the hard work of each and every one of you, we will continue to have a pro-reproductive health majority in the Massachusetts House AND Senate. Some of our most exciting wins include:
The 18th Essex District: PPAF-endorsed candidate Tram Nguyen, a young woman of color running on a bold pro-reproductive health agenda, defeated Rep. Jim Lyons, one of the biggest anti-reproductive rights, anti-LGBTQ opponents in the State House.
The 17th Worcester District: PPAF-endorsed candidate David LeBoeuf, defeated Paul Fullen, a vocal opponent of Planned Parenthood and a frequent protester outside Planned Parenthood’s Worcester health center.
We helped reelect incumbents like Rep. Natalie Higgins, Rep. Jim Hawkins,Senator Jamie Eldridge, and Senator Paul Feeney, all whom were instrumental in helping us protect birth control access and repeal Massachusetts’ archaic abortion laws.
3.) Voters flipped the U.S. House to a pro-reproductive health majority.
The U.S. House is now charged with and empowered to defend our country against the Trump-Pence agenda. A record number of women ran for office this year, winning decisive victories across the country. Here in Massachusetts, Congresswomen-elect Ayanna Pressley (MA-7) and Lori Trahan (MA-3) will head to D.C. and join the rest of the pro-reproductive health Massachusetts Congressional Delegation.
The 2018 midterm elections may be over – but here at the Advocacy Fund, we’re just getting started. Next legislative session, with our strongest majority in the State House, we’re going to fight like hell to ensure every person in the Commonwealth has access to the sexual and reproductive health care and information they need and deserve – no matter what.
Thank you, Searchingforreason.N, for canvassing, phone banking, and voting with the Advocacy Fund these midterm elections – and thank you for standing with us in the fights ahead.
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Jennifer Childs-Roshak, MD, MBA President Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts @DrJenCR |
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