Dear David,
Tonight, President Trump had the opportunity to bring our country together, but instead he chose to double down on his divisive and destructive agenda – comprised of little substance or facts – that has come to define his failing Administration.
Over the last year, President Trump’s policies have come at grave costs to the very people he pledged to protect. He said he would bring American jobs back, but has overseen jobs being shipped overseas at an alarming rate. He has led Republicans’ ideological crusade to repeal the Affordable Care Act, driving up health care costs and taking away health coverage from millions of Americans. He has torn families apart and threatened to deport young people who are Americans in every sense of the word except for a sheet of paper. His only ‘legislative accomplishment’ is a tax scam that has sold the future of our workers, seniors, and the middle class to pad the pockets of big corporations, the wealthy, and the well-off. This is not what the American people signed up for.
While President Trump and Washington Republicans have caused confusion, crisis, and chaos, Democrats are focused on investing in hardworking families. We’re working to build an economy that puts Americans first. We’re fighting to create good-paying jobs, to ensure hard work is rewarded with good wages and to deliver workers the tools they need to be successful in the 21st century. A Better Deal – better jobs, better wages, and a better future – that is our collective vision for a stronger, more prosperous America, and we stand ready to work with any Republican willing to work in a bipartisan fashion to solve some of America’s biggest challenges.
Warm regards,

David N. Cicilline
Member of Congress
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