In Other Posts on the Website, I have Discussed some of the more Intellectually Vacuous Programming offered over the Air by Regular Commercial and Cable Television Stations.
Therefore, It would seem Reasonable to expect that some Commercials and Ads would also follow the same pattern of Irrational Thought, with Dubious Claims made without any Proper Evaluation or Research to back up any claims made.
With that in Mind, are there certain Characteristics that we can look for that might indicate the Value of the Information being provided, and if it can be Trusted?
First some Terms you may come across, and if Their Use in Advertising is of any Real Value;
ALL- NATURAL- Is Often Used to Promote Certain Remedies and Foods, to Promote Trust and Quality. However, it is Essentially Meaningless, for it says nothing about the Effectiveness, Value, and Possible Side Affects of the Product Being Referred to.
ORGANIC- Is an Advertisers Dream, because it has Become the Role Model for a Category of Foods that has Captured the General Publics Imagination as Wonder Products, that Justify the Additional Cost to the Consumer. So Does Organic Live up to the Hype?
ORGANIC FOODS CONTAIN MORE VITAMINS AND NUTRIENTS THAN THE LESS COSTLY OPTIONS.- No, They are Chemically Identical. In Other Words, an Organic Head of Lettuce has the same Nutritional Value as its Inorganic Option.
ORGANIC FOODS ARE FRESHER.- Maybe in a Few Isolated Cases, but the Vast Majority of Organic Foods are placed on the Shelves in the same time period as Their Non- Organic Counterparts.
ORGANIC FOODS ARE LOCALLY GROWN- Again, Perhaps this is True in a Few Cases, but Nearly All Organic Foods are Grown and Transported by the same Corporations that Provide and Supply the Less Expensive Alternatives.
CLEANSE- Another Marketing Term that attempts to Convince the Public that They Need to "CLEANSE" Their Body, Blood, or Colon etc., with a SPECIAL PRODUCT CREATED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Guess What? Your Body Does That for you. These Products Offer Nothing in the Way of Actual Medicinal Value, and seek to Solve Problems that don't exist.
Date- 2/23/2015.
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