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Saturday, June 22, 2024



The following is from the Introduction to a Video on the Internet titled: 

 "Hunters Who Mysteriously VANISHED"

...However, it’s something else altogether when someone who is very experienced in the woods; hunters for example vanish without a trace because they are well prepared for most anything and usually know the woods they’re in like the back of their hands or know how to survive in the woods in general. When hunters disappear for any reason but especially when it happens under bizarre or suspicious circumstances it’s even more confusing and perhaps frightening for not only those involved but for the average person too.There’s something really scary about the thought of these very experienced and well-equipped men and women out there in the wild being confused or seeming to simply vanish without rhyme, reason or a single trace left behind. There are so many instances of experienced hunters going missing under these circumstances that it makes us scratch our heads and wonder what in the world is going on out there in the wilderness areas of the world?

After viewing the video I realized that was just another Anti-Science/ Anti- Critical Thinking offering...here is my response:

Pilot Error, Doctors Misdiagnose, CPAs make Math Errors, Lawyers mishandle Case Law, Chefs overcook, Pro Quarterbacks throw INTS., etc. The Point: Even the Best and Most Qualified Make Mistakes, Become Complacent, or are put in situations they are not prepared for.

Why would we find it odd that a small number of Hunters would also fall into this Category? There is nothing Mysterious or Unexpected about these Events. Sometimes there is not enough evidence to provide a satisfactory explanation, so we Speculate and Hypothesize with what we have.

What we don't do is draw conclusions from Non-Existent Evidence, or try to explain one unknown with another unknown. Before you try to use the Paranormal to explain any of these events, you need to establish that such things actually exist, (Logic and the Scientific Method), and that the Evidence points in that direction.

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