There is Beauty in ...
...a childs laugh. An expression of joy from the innocent. of yourself with no qualifications.
...believing that love is created not manufactured.
...accepting others for who they are, not what they are.

There is Beauty in...
...admitting when your wrong.
...not gloating when you are right.
...remembering we are a product of those who came before.
...what could have been. Sometimes we fail to see what is before us, and the result is unfortunate.
There is Beauty in...
...the decision to do what is right, regardless
of the outcome.
...Humanity, when we don't treat each other
as a means to a goal.
...not allowing another to dictate morality,
when you disagree.
...accepting that your faith is wonderful, but no
more valid then someone elses.
...repaying a kindness because you want to,
not because you feel you have to.
There is Beauty in...
...Trust, Accountability, Fairness and Equality. Because,
when these are gone, what is left?
Nothing, and there is no Beauty in that.
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