Everyone loves a good story involving the supernatural, the History of Literature bares that out. In the U.S. alone, authors such as Poe, Lovecraft and Bierce remain popular, even in todays society. They, and authors like them, are read and studied in the classroom all over the world.
The difference is, of course, that the stories are read, studied and enjoyed as pieces of fiction. Their quality is measured in terms of literary value. They were never meant to be taken as scientific works of knowledge.
Unfortunately, there are many people who wish to undermine the academic quality of science taught in the classroom.
This is often done with the same type of reasoning that would place the classic Ghost/ Monster story in the realm of fact, not fiction. Anti- Science Theories such as Creationism are pushed on the public, usually by self- serving politicians, to be taught in Tax Payer funded schools.
However, Religious Faith masquerading as science does a disservice to everyone;
The Faithful- Who are told belief in God and Holy Teachings aren't good enough, you must also accept bogus science. This is emphasized in the following INVALID, IRRATIONAL AND INSULTING LINE OF REASONING: TO BE A GOOD CHRISTEN, MUSLIM, JEW etc., YOU MUST ACCEPT CREATIONISM AS FACT, AND REJECT ANY EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY.
The General Public- Where, in Public Schools, Creationism would be taught along side Evolution and Cosmological Theory as equally valid subject matter, when in truth they have nothing in common. This is a crime against Reason and Critical Thinking, and opens the door for the introduction of other fringe and unscientific methodologies into the classroom.
The Result- Decreasing the value of a Public School Education. Unfortunately, Pseudoscience on Television may help this become a reality. How?
See PT 5.
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