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Thursday, July 25, 2019

What our America looks like. KAMALA HARRIS.

I want to start by saying thank you. You’re committed to doing the work it’s going to take to win this election in 2020. It’s not easy work -- but I know that this is probably personal to you.

When you have so many other obligations and commitments, you’re choosing to not sit on the sidelines during this election. You’re standing up and fighting for us to be the best of who we can be.

Right now, we’re at an inflection point in our country’s history. This is a moment in time that requires each of us to look in a mirror and ask one simple question “Who are we?”
Here’s the answer: we are better than this.
I’m calling on each of us to continue to step up and fight for the very soul of our nation. It’s no simple task -- and it’s going to require that each of us push ourselves to give it all we’ve got.
I’m running for president because I believe in our country.
I believe in an America where you only have to work one job to have a roof over your head and put food on the table.
I believe in an America where teachers are paid their value.
I believe in an America where no politician tells a woman what to do with her body.
I believe in an America where health care is a right, not a privilege for just those who can afford it.
I believe in an America where children do not have to worry about going to school in fear of a mass shooting.
I believe in an America where we have a president who understands the greatest strength and the greatest power any one individual can have is not to beat people down, but to lift them up.

It’s going to take all of us working together to win this election and build our America -- together. That’s why I’m reaching out to you again today.

We’re a little under a week away from the next Democratic debate of this campaign, when I will get on stage with nine other incredible Democrats and debate policy and contrast our platforms against one another’s.

Our campaign is powered by people -- not corporate PACs or federal lobbyists. It’s people across the country, stepping up and chipping in whatever amount they can afford, because they believe in our movement -- and in our ability to defeat Donald Trump.

I’m so grateful to have you by my side in this fight. Together, we can win this.
Let’s get to work.
For The People,

— Kamala Harris

John Prine - Dear Abby

Nate Silver reports on gerrymandering. Democratic Governors Association.

Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight reports that the Supreme Court’s decision could supercharge Republican advantages across the country.

With the 2020 census right around the corner, Democratic governors are now the strongest line of defense.

SIGN ON: We need 863 signatures from 02771 to end partisan gerrymandering!

This is a long email, but please take a few minutes to read it. I want to update you on our work to end Republican gerrymandering once and for all. In the weeks since the Supreme Court ruled in favor of rigged maps, we’ve been working with campaigns across the country and launching an all-out offensive to elect strong Democratic governors. We’re focused on putting Democratic governors in charge of five key states ahead of the census and subsequent redistricting in 2021.

The Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision made it easier for Republicans to systematically disenfranchise millions of voters across the country. Now, Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball predicts that Republicans are slated to control the drawing of many more legislative districts than Democrats after the next census. And they’re already working to silence voters in states across the country.

Take a look:
  • Voters are currently SUING Mississippi to stop a Jim Crow-era voting law which unfairly determines how governors are elected. 
  • In Georgia, where voter suppression was rampant in 2018, Republican officials purged more than A MILLION voters from the rolls, held up more than 50,000 voter registrations, and enacted some of the nation’s toughest voter ID requirements. 
  • Florida’s Republican governor just signed a POLL TAX into law. He’s denying the will of the voters who passed a ballot initiative giving formerly incarcerated felons back the right to vote! 
  • And in Missouri voters backed an anti-gerrymandering law — that Republican lawmakers are scrambling to undo.
But there’s hope, DAVID. In states nationwide Democratic governors are already working to expand voting rights and end map manipulation, so voters decide their representatives – not politicians.
  • In Pennsylvania, Governor Tom Wolf rejected gerrymandered maps, leading the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court to draw new, fairer ones. 
  • Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has proposed allowing a nonpartisan process to draw legislative maps, not politicians. His predecessor, Scott Walker, is a notorious beneficiary and defender of gerrymandering. 
  • And in New Mexico, Nevada, Maine, Illinois, Colorado, and New York Democratic governors have all signed legislation making voting easier!
We’re so proud of the work Democrats are doing, but the reality is this, DAVID. Unless we win in key states across the country in 2019 and 2020, we won’t be able to secure fair maps. And Republican governors and state legislatures will continue to act against the will of everyday Americans.

We cannot win this fight without you.
DAVID, speak out before it’s too late: Add your name to put a stop to partisan gerrymandering!

Thank you for taking action on this important issue.

Noam Lee
Executive Director
Democratic Governors Association

Philosophy without borders: our latest posts, 22-29 july 2019.

PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS, which is home-based on Patreon, here—  
is an open-source, open-minded forum for sharing original philosophy,  
produced by critically thoughtful, insightful, reflective people for  
other critically thoughtful, insightful, reflective people, with no  
restraints on what form the philosophy may take; and with no  
restriction by borders or boundaries of any kind, be they restrictions  
inherent in schools of thought, educational institutions, states or  
national boundaries, or legal or moral systems.


Here are the latest posts on our blog—

The Fantasyland of Contemporary Absolute Idealism.

If You Dare To Think About Climate-Change, Then You’re Better Than You  
Think. If You Don’t, Then You’re Not.

Spinoza’s Way To Mental Health: Towards A Radically Enlightened Psychiatry.

And here are our two journals—



PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS assumes universal enfranchisement and  
emancipation as a goal, so that all people may participate in the  
generation and discussion of philosophy. Its only requirement is that  
the cultural products shared, whether they may be philosophy in the  
strict sense, being the continuation world’s history of philosophy  
from all parts, including western and eastern or any other philosophy;  
or whether they be other thought provoking cultural products including  
conversations, serious or humorous writing, the visual arts, crafts,  
multimedia, and future art, so long as they contain real philosophical  

By “real philosophical thinking,” we mean thinking that is unhindered  
and not self-censored by subservience to any so-called philosophical  
authority or canon, aimed at least in some way at generating,  
elucidating or commenting on philosophical ideas; and respectful of  
the assumed universal enfranchisement and emancipation of all people  
and therefore communicating in a spirit of love, peace, and  
understanding – not hate, conflict, or vilification.

PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS belongs to a radical phase in the  
philosophical project that flowered in the period of western culture  
which has become known  as the Age of Enlightenment,  occurring mostly  
in Europe during the 18th century. The ideas of the Enlightenment  
undermined the authority of the monarchy, church, and state, paving  
the way for subsequent emancipatory political revolutions in the cause  
of freedom from oppression of any kind. Radically enlightened  
philosophers have existed in all cultures and all ages, readily  
recognised by their support of unrestricted reason and universal  
respect for human dignity as the two primary vehicles for creating  
understanding real and imagined worlds, and for disseminating the idea  
that disputes and conflicts can be resolved or avoided by means of the  
search for logically-guided, evidence-based truth rather than personal  
beliefs, creeds, mysticisms, or other oppressive, mind-enslaving  
ideological constructs.

PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS is a safe haven for thinkers to explore and  
warn against the incursions against radical enlightenment by abuses of  
greed, power, control, oppression, obedience, censorship, hate,  
derision, bullying, xenophobia, nationalism, feudalism, group-think,  
enforced zeitgeists, and other crimes against and limitations of  
humanity. PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS in this sense can be thought of  
Enlightenment Redux, not just a passing phase, but the underlying  
principles of all humane activity. Radical enlightenment opposes  
oppression by complacency, stupidity, and evil, which persist all  
around the world, not only in despotic regimes, but also in supposedly  
enlightened ones, mostly as a result of an obsession with  
self-interested competition and the possession of coercive power,  
rather than on mutual aid and constructive cooperation as the bases  
for rational human activity.


Again, PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS is home-based on Patreon, here—

Please consider becoming a patron!