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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Philosophy without borders: our latest posts, 21-28 january 2019

Dear Philosopher or Philosophically-Minded Person,

Launched in May 2017, PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS, aka PWB, is an  
online mega-project for creating and sharing EIGHT different kinds of  
original philosophy, all of them freely available to anyone, anywhere,  

We’re reaching out to academic philosophers and independent  
philosophers, and to other critically thoughtful, insightful,  
reflective people, everywhere.

PWB is home-based on Patreon, here—

Here are our latest posts—

Anti-Realism And Uncle Realism Meet The Law Of Excluded Middle.

Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines!, Issue #16, 3 (January 2019):  
Piracy and Truly Open Access.

A New Argument Against Capital Punishment.

And here are our two journals—




Again, PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS is home-based on Patreon, here—

Please consider becoming a patron!

Join Bernie Sanders - Become a citizen co-sponsor of his Medicare for All bill.

When I introduced my Medicare for all legislation in 2013, I couldn’t find a single Senator to co-sponsor the bill.

At that time, the idea that health care should be a right for every man, woman and child in this country was considered “radical” or “fringe” by members of the corporate media and political establishment.

But today Medicare for all is a mainstream position in the Democratic Party. Last time in introduced the bill, it had 16 co-sponsors in the Senate. Next time, I hope it will have more.

If you make your voice heard, I believe it will:

Become a Citizen Co-sponsor of my Medicare-for-all, single-payer health care bill. Click this link to add your name and I will carry your message with me whenever anyone asks.

All of us get sick.

All of us need medicine.

All of us have accidents.

All of us need good quality health care.

And in my view, the function of a rational health care system in this country should be to provide quality care for everyone in a cost-effective way, not to make health industry CEOs richer or drive up stock prices on Wall Street.

Unfortunately, even as support for Medicare for all grows, we are still taking on much of the political and financial establishment in this fight. The insurance companies and drug companies in this country are extraordinarily powerful, and they are not going down without a fight.

If we are serious about providing high-quality and affordable health care, the only real solution is a Medicare-for-all, single-payer system that provides health care to ALL Americans, including the 50 million uninsured and underinsured in this country.

Help me send that message to my colleagues today:

Become a Citizen Co-sponsor of my Medicare-for-all, single-payer health care bill. Click this link to add your name and I will carry your message with me whenever anyone asks.

Sisters and Brothers: In this pivotal moment in American history, let us lead our country forward to guarantee health care as a right and not a privilege. This is a struggle whose time has come. This is a struggle not just about health care but about the heart and soul of our country, about what we stand for as a people.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders
Paid for by Friends of Bernie Sanders


                                                 "THE IGNORANT DO NOT LOOK FOR TRUTH,

                                                THE CALLOUS DO NOT CARE ABOUT TRUTH, 

                                 AND THE FOOLISH DON'T CARE THAT THEY ARE IGNORANT."

     Tv, Series, Dumbing Down, Critical

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Important reminder about APA Central hotel reservations.

American Philosophical Association


If you’re planning to attend the 2019 APA Central Division meeting in Denver and haven’t yet made hotel reservations, we urge you to do so now. The APA conference rate of $185 (plus applicable taxes and fees) is valid through January 29, subject to availability.

Please note: It is important that those attending the meeting stay in the conference hotels, rather than at other hotels, and specifically in the block of rooms reserved for APA meeting attendees. The financial viability of the meeting depends on our meeting our contractual obligations, the most important of which (by far) is that we fill a minimum number of sleeping rooms. Failure to do so results in a significant penalty, which, as a non-profit organization, the APA is ill-equipped to pay, and which would take resources away from other important APA initiatives.

Early Bird Registration Deadline

There are just two weeks left to get the early bird discount on registration for the 2019 Central Division meeting! Online registration closes on February 6. Central meeting registration will not be available February 7 through February 19. If you don’t register online by February 6, you can still register on-site at the meeting—but note that on-site registration rates are $50 higher than early bird registration for all categories.
We hope to see you in Denver!

All the best,

Melissa Smallbrook
Meeting Coordinator

The American Philosophical Association
University of Delaware
31 Amstel Avenue, Newark, DE 19716