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Saturday, October 21, 2023



Crown, King, Emperor, Royal, Royalty

We have a great division in the U.S., and it is a tragedy of certain groups using religion as a tool to bend every American to their restrictive code of morality.  Too often, they listen to populist media outlets and self-serving political pundits, and suspend their ability to think critically.  

In past articles, I have reviewed the text of the U.S. Constitution, and analyzed any sections that were related to religion.  As we have seen, this can be found in only two places; Article Six and the First Amendment.

From these passages we can understand the place religious faith was meant to occupy in terms of public policy making and the creation of new laws.  Since that topic has already been covered, I will not repeat it here.  However, I would like to address a subject that is seldom discussed among students of American History: The role European History had in shaping the opinions of those drafting and creating the Constitution, in terms of what role religion would play in forming the new government.

The Framers of the Constitution were a product of the "ENLIGHTENMENT", a philosophical movement that emphasized the use of reason and intellectual reflection in solving social and political conflicts, with less emphasis on faith and traditional church doctrine. 

Too often, European Monarchs used the idea of the "Divine Right of Kings" as a justification for their throne. Throughout the Middle Ages, the average "Citizen or Subject", lived a life filled with disease, hunger and physical hardship. Religion and the concept of "A Heavenly reward for the righteous" offered a promise that Death would bring what life couldn't:  Eternal Happiness.

It was under these conditions that European Royalty realized an important truth; To secure the Throne, and guarantee succession of their Bloodline, endorsement by a Religious Hierarchy would naturally lead to obedience from the faithful.  After all, who was going to tell GOD that the wrong person was on the throne.

Organized Religion also benefited, for while they claimed to have GOD on their side, there was no Martial Force to protect them from rival faiths who wished to compete for the souls of the citizenry.  However, put the right person on the Throne, and your opponents may suddenly become very quiet.  Cold Steel can be a powerful persuader, if it is pressed to your neck.

The Framers of the Constitution realized the inherent hypocrisy of this "European Tradition", and did not want it transposed to the new Constitutional Republic.  That is why the following words mean so much:  "WE THE PEOPLE...", no reference to a Deity or a Sovereign.  Perhaps, for the first time in history, intellect alone was the foundation for forming a Government.

Religious Faith can be a great source of comfort and relief to the faithful.  However, spiritually, it must come from within.  If it comes from a ruling class, and their ecclesiastical allies, then it is a case of might makes right.  

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Sidney Powell vowed to ‘release the Kraken’ to help Donald Trump. She may now testify against him. ASSOCIATED PRESS.


Lawyer Sidney Powell, who famously vowed to unleash a mythical sea monster of litigation to prove that Donald Trump didn’t lose the 2020 election, has now struck a deal with Georgia prosecutors admitting she conspired to wrongly interfere with the state’s election results.






In part 1, I laid out statistics that raise questions about the Validity of the election results in 3 States; MICHIGAN, PENNSYLVANIA, AND WISCONSIN. These States, and their Electoral Votes,
is where the outcome of the election rested.
We will look at these results more closely, but first...

Hillary, Clinton, President, Woman, Leader, Leadership


As I related in Part 1, Hillary Clinton won the Popular Vote by about 3 Million Votes, (2.87 Million). In the end, her percentage of the National Vote was 48.06% to Trumps 45.97%. TOTALS: CLINTON- 65,844,610, TRUMP- 62,979,636.

It is True that Trump accumulated 2.05 Million more votes than Mitt Romney did in 2012.
However, there were almost 8 Million more votes cast for President in 2016 than there were in 2012. 
(2012- 129,085,409     2016- 137,045,863)
This is why Trumps 45.97% was less than Romneys 47.20%.

Yes, Hillary Clinton did not get as many votes as Barack Obama did in 2012.
Here is the difference: Obama- 65,915,795, Clinton- 65,844,610. A Difference of 71,185 Votes.
These Numbers, in practical terms, are a wash. The Difference is so miniscule, that the totals 
would be considered one and the same. Like Romney/Trump, the increase in the total number of ballots from 2012- 2016 caused the difference in Percent of Votes Received Nationwide.

2012: Obama- 51.06%
2016: Clinton- 48.06%

So between 2012 and 2016, the Democrats saw a Decrease of 3%, the Republicans 1.23%
In the end, the Republicans increased their Percentage of the National Vote, as compared
to the Democrats, by less than 2%.

2012- DEMOCRATS- 51.06%
         REPUBLICANS- 47.20%

2016- DEMOCRATS- 48.06%
         REPUBLICANS- 45.97%

These are hardly the Numbers of a POLITICAL REVOLUTION. IN REALITY, THERE WAS


FAIR FIGHT MEMO: The path ahead to protect the freedom to vote.


Hi David, I’m Xakota — I wanted to give you an inside look at the work we’re doing to educate the media and shape the national narrative around voting and democracy.

It’s a strategy memo about the threats we face and the work we must do to defend our democracy in the 2024 elections and beyond. We share how we plan to fight back against systemic efforts to disenfranchise voters, particularly voters of color and young voters.

We’re calling it our Battleground Democracy program. Keep scrolling to read more about it. 


Xakota Espinoza
Director of Strategic Communications
Fair Fight

We're talking True the Vote to court.

Date: October 17, 2023
To: Interested Parties
From: Fair Fight
Re: The stakes for voting and elections in 2024 and beyond

What We’re Up Against: Right now, we are seeing a nationally-coordinated effort by far-right extremists who are using every tool at their disposal to restrict access to the ballot box, attack election administration, and subvert the will of voters. Fair Fight recently hosted the third in our ongoing series of “Battleground Democracy” briefings to provide media with insight into the current landscape for voting access as we approach the 2024 presidential election.

Since launching this past May, some of our work through Battleground Democracy has included: 

  • Ongoing education directed towards media and voters alike, including memos, videos, and briefings, around the proliferation of mass voter challenges and the threat they pose to democracy;
  • Highlighting the emerging trend of legislative expulsions, censures, and takeovers to silence the voices of elected officials and subvert the will of voters;
  • Ringing the alarm around the emergence of new “voter fraud hunting” software being pushed by far-right activists and election deniers;
  • Exposing the dangers of rapid takeovers of local Boards of Elections (BOEs);
  • Highlighting our assessment of the anti-voter track records of the GOP presidential candidates, and conducting rapid response around the recent debates; and 
  • Spotlighting four far-right groups that have us watching out for  anti-democratic tactics—including mass voter challenges—that subvert elections and restrict access to the ballot. 

Below, you can take a closer look at some of the key takeaways from our most recent work. You can also follow our efforts in real time at FairFight.com/BattlegroundDemocracy

Far-Right Groups that Raise Our concerns About Election Subversion and Ballot Access

We view efforts by conspiracy theorists and anti-voter extremists to strip eligible voters from the rolls as one of the biggest threats to our democracy as we look ahead to 2024, and believe Georgia has become ground zero for these efforts. 

Since the 2020 presidential election, more than 350,000 voter challenges have been filed in Georgia. Bad actors are increasingly weaponizing anti-democratic tactics like mass voter challenges and aggressive voter purges — conducted under the guise of “list maintenance” and the need for “clean voter rolls” — to restrict voting access for historically marginalized communities, particularly Black and brown voters.

Fair Fight has been tracking this issue closely to support voters, and understand and document the harmful impacts of these anti-voter actions. Since the 2021 passage of SB 202 — Georgia’s extreme anti-voter legislation codifying that any single Georgian can challenge an unlimited number of registered voters in their county — we’ve collected and analyzed information reflecting that at least 100,000 (or approx. 1 in every 70) Georgia voters have had their eligibility challenged by anti-voter conspiracy theorists, the majority of whom are white, far-right men fueled by disinformation and false conspiracy theories surrounding the 2020 election. According to the data for the vast majority of the challenges tracked by Fair Fight — about 89,000 of 100,000 — were submitted by just six right-wing activists. 

In our latest Battleground Democracy briefing for the media, we put the spotlight on four groups — the “Election Integrity Network” (EIN), VoterGA, True the Vote (TTV), and Greater Georgia — and our opinion that they have been leading the charge when it comes to training and encouraging individuals to file challenges. Based on what we have heard from voters, counties, and other sources, we believe these groups are at the center of efforts to make mass voter challenges one of the cornerstones of the right’s state-by-state, precinct-by-precinct effort to purge America’s voter rolls of those deemed undesirable.

Georgia Is a Battleground and Testing Ground

Not only is Georgia a critical political battleground state in 2024, it’s also where the fight to defend our nation’s democracy is currently taking place — so Fair Fight’s work in Georgia will have a ripple effect nationwide.

Based on our experience on the ground in Georgia over the last several years, we believe Governor Brian Kemp is a chief architect of modern-day voter suppression. His extreme anti-voter law, Senate Bill 202, has served as the blueprint for voter suppression bills nationwide. And we continue to hear of GOP-led state legislatures across the country that are following Kemp’s lead, working to silence and stifle the political power of voters, especially those in Black, brown, young, and LGBTQ+ communities. 

In Georgia, the GOP legislature has passed legislation leading to the removal of Black members of county boards of elections, as well as legislation that facilitates the removal of progressive district attorneys. And across the country, GOP-led legislatures have expelled, censured, and taken other actions to silence, remove, and suppress legislators and democratically elected officials. 

These actions, which have disproportionately targeted Black and queer electeds, represent a disturbing new frontier of the GOP’s assault on democracy. These tactics remind us at Fair Fight of those used by white supremacists post-Reconstruction, relying on state power to suppress and intimidate dissenting legislators and silence the communities they represent.

The Path Ahead

All of this is happening against the backdrop of the upcoming 2024 elections, magnifying our concern that the far-right GOP is preparing to disrupt elections administration with anti-democratic and anti-voter legislation, an endless barrage of unfunded mandates designed to overwhelm election workers, and challenges to voters and to election results. We are also hearing from voters negatively affected by representatives who seem to be openly lauding their intentions to target Black, Hispanic, and young voters as a means of suppressing the vote.

We do not view it as an accident that this is happening as Democratic-leaning blocs of voters are continuing to turn out in record-breaking numbers, and as the electorate is becoming increasingly more diverse. We believe the GOP knows what this shift means for their chances of winning democratically and that, as a result, they may use every tool at their disposal to try to hold on to power. But this strategy not only erodes the freedom to vote, it carries additional consequences like intimidating voters and legislators alike to stop them from showing up and speaking out.

As 2024 approaches, we must see these reprehensible tactics for what they are — an attempt to silence our voices, subvert our will, and undermine our fundamental freedoms. These last-ditch power grabs cannot be permitted to succeed; we must stand together, and ensure that our voices are heard.

Fair Fight will continue our work to protect the freedom to vote in all of the following ways:

  • Support pro-democracy champions and defeat anti-voter extremists in the 2023 local elections, 2024 elections, and beyond. Following the 2020 presidential election and 2021/2022 U.S. Senate election wins, we’ve shown that we know how to win and we’re ready to do it again.
  • Contact voters who’ve been affected by mass voter purges and help them maintain or reinstate their registrations. After Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State announced a purge in August, we were able to contact tens of thousands of voters with information on how to stay on the rolls.
  • Equip voters with the educational materials they need to confirm they’re registered, find their polling place or dropbox, cast their ballot, and have it counted.
  • Launch online ads to reach new voters and support voter turnout efforts.
  • Mobilize Democracy Watch volunteers to attend Board of Elections meetings and help cultivate pro-voter leadership on those bodies. Recently, this work supported the appointment of the first Black female chair in Georgia’s Fulton County.

Fair Fight will continue to call out bad behavior by, and take action against, right-wing actors who attempt to hoard power from those to whom it truly belongs — the people of our democracy. Together, we can continue to fight for free and fair elections for all. Together, we can win.