AFTER ANOTHER DAY OF being unable to elect a new Speaker of the House of Rep., let us skip the Juvenile Babbling and ask the IMPORTANT QUESTIONS:
- Who really benefits from this: Donald Trump. Besides taking the National focus away from the Criminal Charges he is facing, he has placed himself as the "Savior" of the Party no matter what happens.
His initial endorsement of McCarthy was never more than a "Yeah he's ok" type of opinion, which gave him the room to set in place the ANTI-MCCARTHY Group, many of whom are little more than individuals whose Attitude, Intellect, and Endorsement of MAGA endorsed CONSPIRACY FAIRY TALES COMES FROM TRUMPS FAILED RE-ELECTION CAMPAIGN. He's playing both sides.
- What is the desired outcome: The Triumph of the Far-Right GOP Fanatics. Their failure in the Mid-Terms to turn the U.S. into A FASCIST UTOPIA, and appoint DER FUEHRER DONALD AS DICTATOR FOR LIFE, has caused them to change Tactics.
WITH The failure to seize control of the Federal Government in 2000 and 2002, the Far-Right Fascist Arm of the GOP REALIZES THAT THE ONLY WAY TO DESTROY OUR CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, (Which is their Goal), is to Manipulate and Use the system in place now, TO DESTROY IT. It has been a Tried and True Strategy that Despots have used throughout history.
Right now they're measuring the following:
- How far they can push the envelope in getting their Fascist Agenda a reality.
- Looking to 2024. Unlike States such as Florida, Texas, and Ohio, the Democratic leadership in the vast majority of States actually examine election results for GOP fraud. We need to stay strong in states we hold in a FASCIST GRIP. (6 OF THE 20 COME FROM FLORIDA AND TEXAS)
- Trump needs us to stay strong, but we have to be subtle about backing him.
No matter what they are saying now, 12 OF THE 20 DENY THE 2020 ELECTION RESULTS.*
14 of the 15 Incumbents voted to overturn the 2020 Electoral College Election Results.*
19 of 20 are members of the Freedom Caucus.*
Sorry America, but these are not Honest Officials doing what is best for the country. These are a small minority of a Party that sold out to a wannabe Dictator in 2016, which included collusion with a foreign power. (RUSSIA). Now any actual member of the GOP who still has loyalty to the U.S. knows where the Threats and the Cash are coming from. They see a small group of SELF-CENTERED FANATICS, WHO WOULD BE MORE AT HOME WITH STORMTROOPERS OR THE KGB, HOLDING HOSTAGE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.
*These numbers are from the NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE: "How Far Right Are the 20 Republicans Who Voted Against McCarthy?"