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Friday, September 20, 2019

Philosophy without borders: our latest posts, 16-23 september 2019.

PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS, which is home-based on Patreon, here— 
is an open-source, open-minded forum for sharing original philosophy, 
produced by critically thoughtful, insightful, reflective people for 
other critically thoughtful, insightful, reflective people, with no 
restraints on what form the philosophy may take; and with no 
restriction by borders or boundaries of any kind, be they restrictions 
inherent in schools of thought, educational institutions, states or 
national boundaries, or legal or moral systems.


Here are the latest posts on our blog—

Manacles 11–3.7.

The Limits of Sense and Reason: A Line-By-Line Critical Commentary on 
Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason,” #1.

Meditations & Mediations 3—Context.

And here are our two journals—



PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS assumes universal enfranchisement and 
emancipation as a goal, so that all people may participate in the 
generation and discussion of philosophy. Its only requirement is that 
the cultural products shared, whether they may be philosophy in the 
strict sense, being the continuation world’s history of philosophy 
from all parts, including western and eastern or any other philosophy; 
or whether they be other thought provoking cultural products including 
conversations, serious or humorous writing, the visual arts, crafts, 
multimedia, and future art, so long as they contain real philosophical 

By “real philosophical thinking,” we mean thinking that is unhindered 
and not self-censored by subservience to any so-called philosophical 
authority or canon, aimed at least in some way at generating, 
elucidating or commenting on philosophical ideas; and respectful of 
the assumed universal enfranchisement and emancipation of all people 
and therefore communicating in a spirit of love, peace, and 
understanding – not hate, conflict, or vilification.

PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS belongs to a radical phase in the 
philosophical project that flowered in the period of western culture 
which has become known  as the Age of Enlightenment,  occurring mostly 
in Europe during the 18th century. The ideas of the Enlightenment 
undermined the authority of the monarchy, church, and state, paving 
the way for subsequent emancipatory political revolutions in the cause 
of freedom from oppression of any kind. Radically enlightened 
philosophers have existed in all cultures and all ages, readily 
recognised by their support of unrestricted reason and universal 
respect for human dignity as the two primary vehicles for creating 
understanding real and imagined worlds, and for disseminating the idea 
that disputes and conflicts can be resolved or avoided by means of the 
search for logically-guided, evidence-based truth rather than personal 
beliefs, creeds, mysticisms, or other oppressive, mind-enslaving 
ideological constructs.

PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS is a safe haven for thinkers to explore and 
warn against the incursions against radical enlightenment by abuses of 
greed, power, control, oppression, obedience, censorship, hate, 
derision, bullying, xenophobia, nationalism, feudalism, group-think, 
enforced zeitgeists, and other crimes against and limitations of 
humanity. PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS in this sense can be thought of 
Enlightenment Redux, not just a passing phase, but the underlying 
principles of all humane activity. Radical enlightenment opposes 
oppression by complacency, stupidity, and evil, which persist all 
around the world, not only in despotic regimes, but also in supposedly 
enlightened ones, mostly as a result of an obsession with 
self-interested competition and the possession of coercive power, 
rather than on mutual aid and constructive cooperation as the bases 
for rational human activity.


Again, PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS is home-based on Patreon, here—

Please consider becoming a patron!

Donald Trump's 'Promise' to a Foreign Leader Is More Than Just Troubling. ESQUIRE.

I never thought I'd see the day when a serious concern for national security would be allayed in my mind by the fact that the President* of the United States never has made a promise he couldn't break.
Yes, it has well and truly hit the fan. From, as you undoubtedly know by now, the Washington Post:
Trump’s interaction with the foreign leader included a “promise” that was regarded as so troubling that it prompted an official in the U.S. intelligence community to file a formal whistleblower complaint with the inspector general for the intelligence community, said the former officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly. It was not immediately clear which foreign leader Trump was speaking with or what he pledged to deliver, but his direct involvement in the matter has not been previously disclosed. It raises new questions about the president’s handling of sensitive information and may further strain his relationship with U.S. spy agencies. One former official said the communication was a phone call.
Sooner or later, we'll find out to whom El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago made one of his customarily worthless promises. If we're all very lucky, it will be to some bush-league satrap like the ruler of Qatar. If we're not lucky, it will be to somebody who won't take the president*'s usual modus operandi as helplessly as various New Jersey glaziers once had to, and the president* will be forced to start eating his KFC with a geiger counter. What we do know is that the communication involving the promise was sufficiently alarming that some conscientious spook blew the whistle on it. What we also know is that our acting Director of National Intelligence has fought like a rabid badger to keep that information a way from the responsible congressional committees.
Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson determined that the complaint was credible and troubling enough to be considered a matter of “urgent concern,” a legal threshold that requires notification of congressional oversight committees.But acting director of national intelligence Joseph Maguire has refused to share details about Trump’s alleged transgression with lawmakers, touching off a legal and political dispute that has spilled into public view and prompted speculation that the spy chief is improperly protecting the president.The Post has followed up with an interesting timeline. The entry for August 8 is particularly piquant.
Aug. 8: After Trump’s pick of Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Tex.) to replace Coats falls through, Trump announces Joseph Maguire would take on the role in an acting capacity. In doing so, he bypassed Sue Gordon, who had been Coats’s No. 2 at DNI and was a career intelligence official with bipartisan support. Gordon would also resign.
Four days later, the spook blows the whistle.
One hesitates to say enough is enough but, this time, seriously, enough is truly enough. The president*, who knows nothing about anything and whose word is worthless, is promising god alone knows what to god alone knows who, but whatever it happened to be was scary enough to spook the spooks, and damaging enough to risk corrupting the usual oversight process. How much of this perilous nonsense are we willing to tolerate? When corruption and incompetence collide, there's a lot that hits the fan.

Will you stand up for Planned Parenthood? JENNIFER WEXTON.

The Trump administration's new "gag rule" has cut off Planned Parenthood from millions in federal funds. This is terrible news for all the families who rely on Planned Parenthood for affordable reproductive healthcare and life-saving services.

Stand with Jennifer and call on Congress to restore funding for Planned Parenthood >>

Last month, the Trump administration's domestic "gag rule" went into effect. This rule stops federal funds under Title X from going to any health clinic that refers patients to abortion providers -- especially Planned Parenthood.

The Title X funding that Planned Parenthood is losing also covers cancer screening, STI testing, and birth control. The gag rule is putting people's lives at risk by cutting millions of families off from this affordable care.

We're witnessing an offensive assault on basic healthcare access for all Americans, and Jennifer is determined to undo the damage. That's why she's joining pro-choice advocates, candidates, and representatives from across the country to demand that Congress work to reinstate Title X funds for Planned Parenthood.

Add your name to stand with Jennifer. We need 5,000 signatures to push congressional action to fund the clinics that serve so many Americans.
Thank you,

Team Wexton

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION. The APA's Good Practices Guide is now available.


The APA is pleased to announce that our Good Practices Guide is now available. The guide was prepared by the task force on a best practices guide, under the leadership of its chair, Peter Railton, with input from multiple committees and individuals, including APA members during a public open-comment period on the draft guide and feedback sessions held at the 2018 APA divisional meetings.
The Good Practices Guide is intended to serve as a set of recommendations to help philosophers create and maintain an academic community based on mutual respect, fairness, inclusivity, and a commitment to scholarship and learning.
Our hope is that the guide will continue to evolve over time to keep up with the changing needs of the profession. I encourage you to submit comments and suggestions on this guide via the form on the APA website.

We hope you will find the Good Practices Guide to be a helpful resource and encourage you to share and discuss it with your colleagues and students.
All the best,
Amy E. Ferrer
Executive Director