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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Will you host a debate watch party? AMY KLOBUCHAR.


Amy’s getting ready for her next DNC debate on Tuesday, July 30. In the first debate, Amy showed that she’s the candidate to beat President Trump -- now we’re excited for her to continue that work in her second debate!

Amy’s ready to share her optimistic agenda to move America forward. And when she takes the stage, we want to be sure her supporters all across the country have the chance to come together and cheer her on.

Will you sign up to host a watch party for Amy? Sign up now to host friends and other members of Team Amy, and we’ll send you buttons, signs and bumper stickers to make sure everyone can proudly show that they stand with Amy!

Thank you for all your support!

Mike McLaughlin
National Field Director
Amy for America

Amy’s running a homegrown campaign. She isn’t taking any contributions from corporate PACs or federal lobbyists so we’re relying on you.

Donate today to join our grassroots movement.

I’ll be on the stage for the next Democratic debate on Wednesday, July 31, facing off against Joe Biden, Cory Booker, and more. KAMALA HARRIS.

Now that our team knows which night I’ll take the stage for the July debate, it’s time to get to work. 
Each debate is a new opportunity for our people-powered campaign to reach millions more 
undecided voters across the country -- and to contrast our message and platform with those of our 

In the coming days, my team and I are set to dig in deep on debate preparation so we’re ready for 
anything that comes our way. But before we start, I need your help:

Will you take a moment to share the top 3 issues you want to hear about during the 
 upcoming July debate? Fill out this quick survey and add your thoughts »

You are the voice of our movement. That’s why I reach out every so often to ask for your input and 

As the news cycle and political climate rapidly change with each passing day, I rely on hearing directly
from you and supporters like you across the country to speak truth about the issues that matter most.
The upcoming July debate is an opportunity to amplify real solutions for every American
 -- no matter who you are or where you live. Your input matters a great deal.

Click here to fill out our brief July debate survey and let me know what’s on your mind.

Thanks for all you do.
For The People,
— Kamala Harris

Friday, July 19, 2019

Demand that Republicans speak up. JENNIFER WEXTON.


Over the past two days, Donald Trump has tweeted and repeated a series of bigoted, ignorant comments about four of my colleagues in Congress -- all women of color. He said that they should “go back” to their home countries.

This is the language of a vile, petty man who feels threatened by diversity. But I know that our diversity is our strength, and I’m proud that our House caucus reflects the many faces and voices of America.

There has been almost total silence from Republicans about Trump’s latest display of racism. That has to change now.

Join me to demand that national Republicans immediately denounce Trump’s bigotry. We need to draw a line on this behavior, once and for all.
Trump’s long shown us who he is. He showed us when he called Mexicans rapists and criminals. He showed us again when he said immigrants come from “shithole countries.”

And he showed us again yesterday when targeting congresswomen of color who -- by the way -- are Americans.

My Republican colleagues need to speak up. Otherwise, we must assume that they agree with Donald Trump.

Add your name to my petition right now. We need as many signatures as possible to keep the pressure on.

Thank you,


Rep. Jennifer Wexton proudly serves the 10th District of Virginia. She's fighting to create a strong economy, ensure equality for all, and invest in a better future for America.

This Was a Fascist Rally Down to Its Bones. ESQUIRE MAGAZINE.

By now, unfortunately, a ‘tween girl at El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago's little exercise in apartheid cosplay has been hauled into the national spotlight because she happened to be standing behind him when the lizard-brained chant of "send her back" erupted in reference to Rep. Ilhan Omar, a sitting member of the United States Congress. Because of the wizardry of modern video technology, television had zoomed right in on her as she slowly picks up the chant with no apparent enthusiasm. She then became little more than an object lesson. I wish her well. I hope she grows up to be Dorothy Day. I hope she grows up to be Exene Cervenka, if that's what she wants. I hope she grows up happy and at peace with the world. I hope she grows up in a country where incitement-to-riot isn't a net-plus in presidential elections. I hope, but it's getting harder by the hour. Read More

Donald Trump Holds "Keep America Great" Rally In Greenville, NC