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Monday, July 15, 2019

Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. VIRGINIA ATT. GEN. MARK HERRING.


My expectations for Virginia Republicans on gun violence are really, really low, but last Tuesday they outdid themselves.

They came back to Richmond to FINALLY take long overdue action to prevent gun violence and make our communities safer.

But instead of passing universal background checks, or a ban on high capacity magazines, or reinstating Virginia’s one handgun a month law, Republicans
packed up and went home in less than two hours.

It was pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

So now we know what we have to do. We have to sweep them out and put a gun safety majority in charge of the General Assembly.

Three Virginians per day are killed by a gun. Not just in horrific mass shootings that grab our attention, but in acts of domestic homicide, suicide, and accidents. There is so much more we can do to protect our communities.

I’m doing everything I can as...attorney general to reduce gun violence and to make our communities safer, but there’s only so much we can do with Virginia’s
weak laws.

Thanks for your support,

Paid for by One Commonwealth PAC

When I call Donald Trump a racist, this is what I’m talking about: U.S. SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS.

David -
When I call Donald Trump a racist, this is what I’m talking about:
This was a racist attack against Reps. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. It is unacceptable, and we must stand in solidarity with these young legislators.

That is why today I am asking you to respond to Trump’s racist attack by splitting a contribution between their campaigns and ours.

I have said all along that this president is a racist and a xenophobe. And now he is proving that point, yet again, by turning his hate against these four members of Congress.
We must stand together for justice and dignity toward all. Thank you for your support.
In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

41 lawsuits against Trump -- and counting. WASHINGTON ATT. GEN. BOB FERGUSON.


Democratic attorneys general are our country’s last line of defense against the Trump administration’s discriminatory and unconstitutional policies. I’ve gone to bat to protect the people of our state each time the president threatens their safety or constitutional rights.

As...attorney general, I’ve filed 41 lawsuits against the Trump administration. What that really means is that you, the people of Washington state, have filed 41 lawsuits against the Trump administration. We will continue to fight this administration’s harmful policies that impact Washingtonians.

Just last week, we were in court defending the Affordable Care Act against a legal challenge that was filed by a group of Republican attorneys general. The Trump administration has not only refused to defend the Affordable Care Act but has also argued that the court should throw out the entire health care system with no replacement. Millions would lose their health care coverage, including many Washingtonians and countless Americans with pre-existing conditions.

I’ve been proud to stand up for Washington, defending our state against this administration and special interests that don’t play by the rules. I’ll continue arguing...all the way to the Supreme Court if it comes to that. We’ve beaten the president there before, and I know we can do it again.

Because it’s not the loudest voice that prevails in the courtroom, it’s the Constitution. So far, we’re undefeated against the Trump administration: 21-0. 12 of these victories are final, and cannot be appealed. This means we’ve permanently blocked 12 of President Trump’s unlawful policies that hurt Washingtonians.

Thank you so much,

Trump's racist words against my colleagues. U.S. REP. JENNIFER WEXTON.


Over the past two days, Donald Trump has tweeted and repeated a series of bigoted, ignorant comments about four of my colleagues in Congress -- all women of color. He said that they should “go back” to their home countries.

This is the language of a vile, petty man who feels threatened by diversity. But I know that our diversity is our strength, and I’m proud that our House caucus reflects the many faces and voices of America.

There has been almost total silence from Republicans about Trump’s latest display of racism. That has to change now.

Join me to demand that national Republicans immediately denounce Trump’s bigotry. We need to draw a line on this behavior, once and for all.
Trump’s long shown us who he is. He showed us when he called Mexicans rapists and criminals. He showed us again when he said immigrants come from “shithole countries.”

And he showed us again yesterday when targeting congresswomen of color who -- by the way -- are Americans.

My Republican colleagues need to speak up. Otherwise, we must assume that they agree with Donald Trump.

Add your name to my petition right now. We need as many signatures as possible to keep the pressure on.

Thank you,


Rep. Jennifer Wexton proudly serves the 10th District of Virginia. She's fighting to create a strong economy, ensure equality for all, and invest in a better future for America.