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Wednesday, February 6, 2019


For the past two years under this Administration, the people in power have tried to convince us that the villain in the American story is each other.

That is not our story. That is not who we are. Tonight, before Donald Trump’s State of the Union address, I'm calling on you to join me in the fight for a different American story.

I believe in an America where the economy works for working people. An America where health care is a fundamental right -- not a privilege for those who can afford it. An America where every parent can send their children to school without being haunted by the awful specter of another killing spree.

I believe in an America where our daughters, sisters, mothers, and grandmothers are respected. Where reproductive rights are guaranteed in every state in this land.

I believe in an America where our democracy and its institutions are protected against all enemies, foreign AND domestic. Where we are focused on making it easier for all eligible voters to cast a ballot -- not harder.
You won’t hear Trump talk about this America tonight -- but that’s the America we believe in; the America I’m ready to fight for.

We have a long road ahead of us, but I know there’s nothing we can’t do if we work together and fight for what’s right.
Thanks for all you do,

— Kamala

Monday, February 4, 2019

Watch Jada Pinkett Smith, Jameela Jamil and more at the MAKERS Conference, Feb. 6-8. Mark your calendar!

Saturday, February 2, 2019



(PUBLISHED ON 2/27/2015.)

As we have seen during the Last Week, much of the opposition to President Obamas Immigration plan is Juvenile and Petty.  

Whether or not it's Rudy Giulianis claim that the President "Doesn't Love America,"  or John Boehners and other Republicans refusal to Fund Homeland Security unless they get Their way, it is an Immaturity that Belongs on a School Playground, not the Halls of Congress.

Man, Persons, Guys, Group, Google

Insults and a Refusal to Compromise, are the Weapons of the Desperate and the Delusional, who can't believe that everyone else Doesn't Follow Their Lead. (Even Members of the same party.)

These are Things Progressives should be Pointing Out on A Regular Basis.  When These Types of Tactics are used, the Response Should Not be Deliberately Provocative or on the Same Intellectual Level, for it Blurs the Actual Reason Behind the Inability to come to a Reasonable Solution.

In other Words, Don't let Them pull you down, because They have already Started to Sink.  If Both Sides Resort to Identical Means in getting Their Point Across and to Gain the Support of the Majority, there is Little to Differentiate One From the Other. So what should the Progressive Response be in such a case? What Could Convince the Voters, ( Both Supporters and Opponents), of Their Sincerity, and Desire to do the Right Thing?

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

APA- General Discussion Digest for Tuesday January 29, 2019.

American Philosophical Association

General Discussion

Jan 29, 2019
started yesterday, Kenneth Pike (2 replies)
Tenure-track faculty   external link to thread view
1. Keeping proposals cost neutral: yes, just... Sebastian Purcell
2. In response to Kenneth Pike, et. al:   Things... Michael Kazanjian

1.Re: Tenure-track faculty

Sebastian Purcell
Jan 29, 2019 7:19 AM
Sebastian Purcell
Keeping proposals cost neutral: yes, just increase class sizes to 90+ and then just have tenure-track faculty teach the remaining courses. / sarcasm

The longer-term fix: in two steps.
1. Philosophers need to accept that not getting a TT position is not failure . We need to stop the shame culture around this. It needs to start with graduate profesors .
2. Philosophers need to develop employment skills during graduate school that translate into markets other than the professoriate. The most obvious of these are tracks lead to positions in university administration in some form.

Almost all the resistance I get to step 2 is a result of people who really don't want to accept step 1. Some 75% of Humanities PhDs don't ultimately get TT positions, and that makes the professoriate the alternative career path (Source). They are also, in general, happier than those of us inside the academy.

Sebastian Purcell
Associate Professor
Binghamton NY

Original Message:
Sent: 01-28-2019 22:40
From: Kenneth Pike
Subject: Tenure-track faculty

Is there anything we can do to reduce institutional reliance on underpaid lecturers and faculty adjuncts, in favor of staffing classes with tenure-track faculty?  

Kenneth Pike
Arizona State Univeristy
Tempe AZ


2.Re: Tenure-track faculty

Michael Kazanjian
Jan 29, 2019 10:51 AM
Michael Kazanjian
In response to Kenneth Pike, et. al:   Things requiring reform in higher education include tenure track, the Ph.D. program, publish-or-perish.  Decades agp a mewspaper article revealed a Congressional investigation into Ph.D. programs, and I believe there was a debate that grad schools may not drop students having passed the first few courses.  A professor has done a Chronicle of Higher Ed piece, that success in TT is often due correct hiring, hiring the correct person.   
Michael M. Kazanjian

Michael Kazanjian
Triton College
Chicago IL
Original Message:
Sent: 01-28-2019 22:40
From: Kenneth Pike
Subject: Tenure-track faculty

Is there anything we can do to reduce institutional reliance on underpaid lecturers and faculty adjuncts, in favor of staffing classes with tenure-track faculty?  

Kenneth Pike
Arizona State Univeristy
Tempe AZ