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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

One week left: Call your reps today! Kim Kargman, Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund

On July 31st, the Massachusetts legislative session ends. This means we have ONE WEEK to push the MA House of Representatives to bring the Healthy Youth Act to the floor for a vote. We have the numbers on our side: 91 percent of likely voters support sex education, the majority of state representatives support the bill, and dozens of organizations have endorsed the Healthy Youth Act. With numbers like these, we need to make sure our voices are heard.
All day long, we’re mobilizing supporters like you to flood the Massachusetts House of Representatives with reasons why consent-focused, LGBTQ-inclusive sex ed is so important to young people across the state. Here’s how to call your representative:
Step 1Use this form to find your state rep and be connected to their office phone.  
Step 2: You’ll be connected with either a staffer or a voicemail. Share why theHealthy Youth Act is important to you!
Step 3: Make the ask! Urge your representative to bring the Healthy Youth Act to the floor for a vote.
When you’re done, forward this email to your friends, family, and colleagues. Then, share your activism on social media. Shout your support for the Healthy Youth Act from the rooftops. We have no time to waste.
Let’s make some noise!
Kim Kargman
Organizing Manager
Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts

Sunday, July 22, 2018

BLAST FROM THE PAST: NPR: GOP Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick: 'The President Was Manipulated By Vladimir Putin'

Pennsylvania Congressman Fitzpatrick served in the FBI and says he has full confidence in the U.S. intelligence community. Days ago, GOP Rep. Will Hurd of Texas came to the same conclusion.

A GOP Congressman and former FBI agent says he thinks President Trump was manipulated by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Brian Fitzpatrick told NPR's Michel Martin on All Things Considered that he drew that conclusion after the two leaders appeared in Helsinki.
"The president was manipulated by Vladimir Putin," Fitzpatrick said. "Vladimir Putin is a master manipulator."
The Helsinki summit came days after Special Counsel Robert Mueller issued an indictment for 12 Russian intelligence agents accused of hacking Democratic emails and sowing confusion around the 2016 elections.
Fitzpatrick sits on the House committees on Foreign Affairs and Homeland Security. In his previous role as an FBI special agent, he said he was assigned to Ukraine and worked on counterintelligence, collecting Russian propaganda reports.
He told Martin he was "frankly sickened by the exchange" between Trump and Putin.
The congressman, who represents Pennsylvania's 8th District, said he shared his view with former CIA agent and fellow House Republican Will Hurd of Texas. Hurd wrote recently in The New York Times that Trump "actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign."
American intelligence agencies have said they are certain Russia meddled in the 2016 elections. Trump appeared to question that conclusion in Helsinki. He has also called an investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller a "witch hunt."
Some Republican leaders have fallen in line with the President. Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio has demanded the Mueller investigation be terminated. The House Intelligence Committee ended its Russia investigation and said it found no evidence of collusion. House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows was seen carrying impeachment papers against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Others have pushed back. After the Helsinki meeting, House Speaker Paul Ryan issued a statement that read, "There is no question that Russia interfered in our election and continues attempts to undermine democracy here and around the world."
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell added, "As I've said repeatedly, the Russians are not our friends and I entirely agree with the assessment of our intelligence community."
Arizona GOP Senator John McCain said, "No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant."
Fitzpatrick noted to NPR that he has co-sponsored a House bill in support of Mueller's investigation; it was introduced in April but has yet to pass. He noted Sunday that "there's not nearly enough" urgency in the White House regarding Russia's role in the 2016 elections and decried the "mixed signals" sent on the subject by the administration.
"It needs to be accepted as fact by everybody in our government because we need to respond to that reality and it's a significant threat. We cannot let that happen again," Fitzpatrick said.
He pointed out that his constituents are baffled. Fitzpatrick recalled a voter who approached him in a supermarket. "They were just confused about what exactly transpired, what message are we sending," he said.

Progressive Caucus Endorsed! STEVE SEVIGNY, MD.

Dear David,

I'm incredibly honored to have received the endorsement of the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida (DPCF).
The DPCF has led the Florida Democratic Party forward on a number of fronts, including establishing a bold platform of our values. Healthcare for all, living wages, protecting our environment, equality, justice, retirement security, and so much more...
Stephen Sevigny with DPCF Seal
“Steve walks the walk. That’s rare, even among the best candidates. He doesn't just talk about a living wage; he pays his employees a living wage. He doesn't just talk about healthcare without understanding it; as a practicing physician, Steve is on the front lines of that battle. As voters get to know Steve, we think they’ll agree that he’s the real deal.” -- DPCF VP Michael Calderin
It's incredibly humbling to have organizations that put values first decide to back your campaign. It's fantastic to know there are so many out there who share our values, who are working to put an end to the devastation being wrought on our nation.
With your support, we will win the primary on August 28th and continue fighting forward to build Tomorrow's Democratic Party - a party where our values come before profits.
In solidarity,

Friday, July 20, 2018

Please join us for a Welle for Congress event this summer! CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE JOSH WELLE.

We are four months away from a critically important election that will have both local and national impact. Now is the time to make a difference.  Events will be held throughout the district. Join us for an upcoming Welle for Congress event; find an event near you!
We are most excited to announce the opening of our Ocean County office this Saturday 7/21 at 12:00pm in Manchester - details below!  We encourage you to bring office supplies (e.g., pens, notebooks, printer paper...etc.) as we continue to build out our ground game in Ocean!
And for those who are interested in hosting an event in your town please contact Nathan Cornell (nathan@welleforcongress.com


What: Meet & Greet in Red Bank hosted by Laura Jannone
When: Tuesday, July 24th; 7:30 - 9:00pm
Where: 105 East Bergen Place, Red Bank, NJ
What: Meet & Greet in Manalapan hosted by Debra Rubinstein
When: Wednesday, July 25th; 7:30 - 9pm
Where: 33 Maremanna Drive, Manalapan Township, NJ
What: Meet & Greet in Little Silver hosted by Amy Aho, Rachael Rennert, and Lori Markoff
When: Thursday, July 26th; 6:00 - 7:30pm
Where: 129 North Sunnycrest Drive, Little Silver, NJ

What: Meet & Greet in Jackson hosted by Paul and Ann Sarti
When: Friday, July 27th, 2018; 6:00 - 7:30pm
Where: 314 Butterfly Road, Jackson, NJ
What: Meet & Greet in Hamilton hosted by Greg Romano and Carol Shipp
When: Sunday, July 29th; 2:00 - 3:30pm
Where: 2135 Route 33, Lexington Square, Hamilton, NJ

What: Meet & Greet in Manchester hosted by Max and Barbara Schloff
When: Tuesday, July 31st; 7:30 - 9:00pm
Where: 15 Kensington Rd., Manchester, NJ