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Saturday, June 16, 2018


\Bach Flower Therapy, Bach Flowers

With Affordable Health Care now becoming available to every American, there is one industry that is facing the loss of tens of millions of dollars.  Because adequate medical treatment will be a positive improvement on the lives of millions, the desire to seek out "Alternative" treatments from dubious or even bogus sources will be dramatically decreased.  Perhaps, this will mean the end of one of the greatest medical travesties in history- HOMEOPATHY. 

This is not a case of a fringe theory with results that are hotly debated by the Medical community.  How anyone with a minimal ability to reason and understand the choices that affect their lives would want to follow this lifestyle is astonishing. Homeopathy lacks, in every way, the bare minimum to be called a valid choice when dealing with medical conditions in human beings.

Homeopathy, as it is practiced today, is still basically the same as it was two hundred years ago.  The basic theory is that all disease is not caused by outside sources, but from imbalances within the body itself.  To check these imbalances, one must take a diluted mixture of the poison harming the body.

In the beginning, these "dilutions" were small, but enough toxins were present in the "remedy" to cause harm to the individual.  To solve this problem, Homeopathic Practitioners came up with an unusual solution.  The answer was to dilute the substance many times over, even to the point where there is no molecular identity of the "Active Ingredient" within the "Remedy".  To put it another way, the so-called treatment has no trace of the substance that is supposed to heal the body. 

Friday, June 15, 2018


June 15, 2018  

Dear David,

As your Congressman, I’m committed to ensuring that our seniors have access to the finest resources and services that are available at the local, state and federal levels. Rhode Island seniors deserve the best, and that’s why I hope you will join me at my Woonsocket Senior Resources Fair to be held next week:

Monday, June 18th

Woonsocket Senior Center
84 Social Street
Woonsocket, RI 02895

Seniors, adults with disabilities, and caregivers are all invited to learn about important resources available from the Rhode Island Division of Elderly Affairs, the Social Security Administration, Rhode Island Housing, and more than forty other participating organizations.

More information is available on my Facebook page here .


I believe that people should be motivated to run for office because they believe in public service, not because they expect a big payoff when the leave office.

The door allowing Members of Congress to go from public servants to lobbyists has been open for too long. As your congressman, I have been committed to restoring the public’s confidence in government and reducing the influence of special interests in Washington since I took office.

That’s why I was proud to introduce this week legislation for H.R. 6070. This bill would ban Members of Congress from ever working as lobbyists -- finally put an end to the revolving door between Capitol Hill and K Street.


Like all Americans, I was hoping that the President’s meeting with North Korea’s Leader Kim Jong Un this week achieved an agreement that would lead to a safer, more peaceful world for all Americans. Instead, President Trump walked away with a vague deal that delivered a huge propaganda victory for North Korea and for the brutal dictator of the most repressive regime on the planet.

Earlier this week, I listed four objectives that President Trump should have achieved during the summit.

1. Negotiate an agreement that would result in North Korea giving up their nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons programs. One that included strong provisions for weapons inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency to have full access to ensure North Korea’s compliance.

2. A framework for punishing North Korea for its widespread human rights abuses and ultimately bringing them to an end.

3. North Korea continues to pose an urgent and growing threat to our country and across the world in the field of cyberspace. Last year, they used ransomware to attack more than 200,000 computers across 150 countries, causing as much as $4 billion in lost economic activity. If North Korea wants to come in from the cold, they cannot continue these aggressive activities.

4. Finally, an agreement that would not interfere with the United States’ continued support for our regional allies, who face the most immediate threat from North Korean aggression. Our commitment to our allies – South Korea, Japan, and others in the region – must always remain clear and unwavering.

Unfortunately, what we got instead was a deal that honored a bundle of concessions to North Korea and issued an agreement to suspend joint military exercises with South Korea. There were no specific details on denuclearization, nothing was done with regard to the brutal attacks on human rights and there were zero repercussions for the country’s cyber-attacks.

You can also click here to follow my work on Twitter.

Warm Regards,

David Cicilline
Member of Congress  


Hi David,

Today we honor the legacy of our nation’s flag. The flag we pledge to, protect and defend, lost our lives for, does not come free. I served 12 years in the Navy including a tour in Afghanistan and four deployments to the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe, fighting to defend the Stars and Stripes. After seeing 45 countries across the world, I realized how special and fortunate we are to have our democratic society here in the United States.

So this Flag Day I’m asking you to help us bring integrity back to Washington. Veterans are uniquely positioned this year to help heal the divide in our country, place service first, and accomplish the mission of solving our most pressing issues.

This election is critical for our country to ensure that we are choosing a new generation of leaders ready to carry the flag and unite us all.

Service First,

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Hello, David.

I want to tell you about my friend, Ken Harbaugh.

Anyone who knows Ken has seen his passion for serving others. As a Navy pilot, he flew missions over the Middle East and off of North Korea. As a disaster-responder, he helped families on their hardest days. Ken never backs down from a challenge.

I don’t have to tell you what a great leader Ken will be for our country. He’s already proven himself as a problem-solver who will always put our country first.

But he needs our help to get elected.

I’m standing with Ken, and I hope you will too.

I am supporting a new generation of leaders who will put people before politics. The politics that we have now and the old way of thinking can’t move our country forward. We need leaders like Ken to fight for all of us.

Thank you for your support. And go Team Harbaugh!

In service,

Seth Moulton
United States House of Representatives