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Thursday, June 14, 2018


Hello, David.

I want to tell you about my friend, Ken Harbaugh.

Anyone who knows Ken has seen his passion for serving others. As a Navy pilot, he flew missions over the Middle East and off of North Korea. As a disaster-responder, he helped families on their hardest days. Ken never backs down from a challenge.

I don’t have to tell you what a great leader Ken will be for our country. He’s already proven himself as a problem-solver who will always put our country first.

But he needs our help to get elected.

I’m standing with Ken, and I hope you will too.

I am supporting a new generation of leaders who will put people before politics. The politics that we have now and the old way of thinking can’t move our country forward. We need leaders like Ken to fight for all of us.

Thank you for your support. And go Team Harbaugh!

In service,

Seth Moulton
United States House of Representatives


A day after winning the primary election, Jennifer was just invited to go on Hardball with Chris Mathews on MSNBC tonight. Make sure you tune in tonight at 7PM EST!

It’s clear that Jennifer is a stand-out in the Democratic nominees across the country. We saw it here in our district and now the national press is picking up on it too.

The nation is watching this race, David. And this is only going to increase the exposure. We need to make sure we’re ready to take on Barbara Comstock this November.

17,000 teachers support my campaign. GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE MOLLY KELLY.

Dear David,
Our campaign received a big boost today. The New Hampshire chapter of the National Education Association – which represents 17,000 public school teachers and educators – announced its support for my campaign for governor.
Public school teachers make such a big difference in the lives of our children, expanding minds and opening up a lifetime of learning and opportunity.
But Governor Chris Sununu wants to erode public education by passing a school voucher bill. The scheme would take money from public schools and give it to private and religious schools. That's just wrong for our students, and wrong for New Hampshire.
Donald Trump sent his education secretary, Betsy DeVos, to New Hampshire just a few weeks ago to raise money for Chris Sununu's reelection campaign. DeVos and Sununu share an extreme right-wing agenda to create a voucher program that would take money from our public schools, take opportunities from our children and leave taxpayers with higher property taxes.
Public education is the core of our democracy. If a school voucher bill that takes money from public schools and gives it to private or religious schools were to ever reach my desk, I would veto it. New Hampshire's teachers know that I will always stand with them to ensure the best for our children.
Thank you,



THE FOLLOWING: https://techcrunch.com

The new bill, known as the Protecting American Votes and Elections Act, proposes two significant measures. First, because not all digital voting systems produce a paper trail, it would require all state and local elections to ensure that their equipment produces voter-verified paper ballots that can be cross-referenced. Second, for all federal elections regardless of outcome, state and local governments would be required to conduct audits comparing digital ballots to a random selection of paper ballots. The latter policy would cover the 22 states that currently don’t require audits following elections.

“Leaving the fate of America’s democracy up to hackable election machines is like leaving your front door open, unlocked and putting up a sign that says ‘out of town.’ It’s not a question of if bad guys get in, it’s just a question of when,” Oregon Senator Ron Wyden said in a statement accompanying the bill.
Voting integrity is one of Wyden’s pet issues and the senator has pressed for his home state of Oregon’s vote-by-mail system to be adopted nationally.
Wyden is joined by Democratic Senators Kirsten Gillibrand, Ed Markey, Jeff Merkley, Patty Murray and Elizabeth Warren on the legislation. Congressman Earl Blumenauer plans to introduce a corresponding bill in the house.
“We know that Russia hacked into American voter systems to influence our election – and we know they’ll try to do it again,” Sen. Warren said. “Our national security experts have warned us that the country’s election infrastructure is vulnerable – this bill will take important steps to help secure it.”
While the bill isn’t a bipartisan proposal — yet, anyway — these same measures are widely supported by election security experts as well as the Department of Homeland Security and a Senate Intelligence Committee report offering recommendations for securing the vote from earlier this year.
The full text of the bill is embedded below.