Dear David,
Seven in ten likely voters in the Democratic Primary are undecided.
We have 89 days to reach them with Steve's values. 89 days to show them his passion for transforming the belief that healthcare is a human right into public policy that ensures everyone gets all the care they need without fear of financial hardship.
Our first poll, in addition to showing that the race is wide open, tells us that if we have the resources to inform voters about Steve, his values and ideas, we are strongly positioned to win this primary.
We do something called an "informed ballot" where each of the candidate's bios and base messages are tested. It gives us an understanding of how the race will develop as voters get more engaged in the election. The results were pretty telling - they show that it's a two-way race, Sevigny 31, Soderberg 32.
After testing our own negatives and those of our leading opponent, it gets even clearer - Steve is the candidate voters will choose if they have the opportunity to get to know him, by fourteen points.
That isn't hard for me to believe. I've done this a long time, and I only work with candidates that I believe should win. People that will be terrific representatives of the people, fighting with passion, and putting people first.
Steve is one of those people. When I first heard him talk about the importance of the Children's Health Insurance Program to families with disabled children, I was hooked. It was all heart with a depth of knowledge not just of the policy, but the practical impacts on families.
We need champions who can speak like that in Congress. That's why I'm here working to elect Steve and why so many of you have joined the team. Thank you for your support and let's all buckle in for three months of fury as we work to win this primary and then keep it going as part of a tremendous blue wave in November.
Mario Piscatella
Campaign Manager
Sevigny for Congress