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Sunday, April 29, 2018


Tv Series Dumbing Down Critical Pop Art Gr

Television is many things. It can be used to inform, teach and educate. 

However, let us not fool ourselves. It is primarily a business and profit is its’ ultimate goal. Those profits can be found in Televisions primary mission; to entertain.
Throughout broadcast history, T.V networks have provided a vast selection of different categories to entertain the viewing public.  Sit-coms, police and detective dramas, science fiction and soap operas etc. are examples of fictional or scripted shows.  News shows such as 60 minutes, 20/20, Dateline etc. are examples of non-fiction informative programming.  These can entertain, while at the same time providing useful and desired news and information.

In recent decades, “Reality T.V.” shows such as “Survivor” and “Big Brother” have entered the mainstream.  Focusing on a confrontational content that features supposed non-actors in contrived situations, it is generally a benign low-brow form of entertainment.   However, a new and disturbing form of reality television has sprung up.  Its’ popularity is a reflection on the dark nature that permeates today's society.  I call it “Humiliation Television.”

To illustrate, let me ask the following questions;

- When did subjecting oneself to insults and degradation publicly, and on camera, become a desired career path?

- Why is the need for some modicum of fame cause some people to lose any sense of self-esteem and dignity?

- Why would anyone take seriously a show that claims to be unrehearsed, spontaneous and true to life, when it is obviously staged? Dialogue and actions done on camera are pre-determined by the producers to create an illusion of authenticity.

In following articles I will examine different types of these shows that make-up Humiliation Television.

(See PT. 2 in a future post.)

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Will you help these women too, David? U.S. SENATOR KAMALA HARRIS.


"Kamala, it can't be done." "You won't win." "Wait your turn."

I can't tell you how many people have said those words to me.

Fortunately, I didn't listen. Thanks to a family led by powerful and fearless women, I believed in myself enough to run for office anyway.

In my first race for San Francisco district attorney, I challenged a two-term incumbent from a well-known political family. And when I ran for attorney general of California, my opponent was a popular Republican elected official.

Still — we won both campaigns. And thanks to the support of
EMILY's List, I became the first woman and Indian American to be California attorney general; and in 2017 I became the first Indian American and second African American woman to serve in the U.S. Senate.

Now, I'm excited to join this community in helping get even more women into elected office — including two running to join me in the Senate.

...help elect the next generation of pro-choice Democratic women lawmakers.

This year, we need to send my 10 sisters with seats up for re-election back to the Senate where their voices are desperately needed. And we need to add Jacky Rosen (NV) and Kyrsten Sinema (AZ) to our ranks and turn the Senate blue.

We also need to help all the EMILY's List women running up and down the ballot for the House, governors' offices, and state and local seats.

As someone who began her political career at the local level, I know electing pro-choice Democratic women is not only how we fight back against the Trump administration; it's also how we can create lasting change.

They need us to show we believe in them — just like you did for me — by sending our strongest support and giving them the resources they need to win in November.

Thanks and let's keep fighting,

Kamala Harris
U.S. Senator, California


Hi David, 
In the Army, before every operation we marked the time remaining by [D-58] with 58 being the number of days until the mission and then [H-XX] representing the hours left. We’re now just 58 days from our Primary Election Day, so we'll be reaching out with campaign updates more often since the election is close.
Thursday night, we headed to my alma mater, Kingston High School, for a debate hosted by Radio Kingston. (Go vote, Tigers!) The last time I was in that auditorium, I was taking my graduation photos. And then 18 years later I was back in the same auditorium running for Congress and debating the values that are important to our country and our community.
What I heard from voters last night and what I hear from voters throughout NY-19 is that they’re sick of self-serving politicians. I am too -- that's why I joined this race. The values I learned serving our country are the opposite of how too many politicians conduct themselves in Washington.
Just in the last week, we had two really exciting updates validating that voters want leaders who will put country first. With Honor released a poll showing two important things: (1) “Served honorably in the US military” is the strongest trait they tested for a candidate, and (2) nearly 1 in 3 voters said they are more likely to vote for a congressional candidate of a different party once they learn the candidate is a veteran. 
[Poll from With Honor ranking the Qualifications of a Congressional Candidate people are most likely to support. Served Honorably in US military 62, Has prior experience as an elected official 53, Runs a non-profit organization 38, Started a business 38, Is a successful lawyer 23.]
On Thursday General Wes Clark highlighted my campaign in his article: “Want a politician you can trust? Elect a veteran in November”. This is BIG news. 
Here’s what he said: 
“Veterans elected to Congress will also practice a lost art — leadership. Leadership can be taught in a boardroom, on a sports field or on a Peace Corps deployment. But when it comes to molding leaders, it’s hard to replicate leading teams in combat zones. That brand of leadership is being exemplified by veterans across the country. Women like Mikie Sherrill in New Jersey and Elissa Slotkin in Michigan. Men like Dan McCready in North Carolina and Pat Ryan in New York.”
As an Army officer, I always made sure my soldiers had what they needed - “officers eat last”. Those are the values I learned in the Army and those are the values I see resonating when I travel the district and talk to voters, regardless of their political party. That’s why I know we can win here, in a tough battleground district like NY-19.
I can’t thank you enough for supporting my campaign. I truly couldn’t do this without friends like you. Hope to catch up soon, and in the meantime, I’ll continue to keep you updated on our progress.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Condemning Anti-Semitism and Commemorating the Armenian Genocide. CONGRESSMAN DAVID CICILLINE.

Condemning Anti-Semitism 

As you may know, the governments of Poland and Ukraine have each recently passed legislation that distorts or denies aspects of the Holocaust. These developments are unacceptable , especially given today’s global surge of anti-Semitism. In response, I have led more than 50 Republicans and Democrats in the House in pushing the U.S. Department of State to exert diplomatic pressure on Ukraine and Poland to reverse course and allow history to speak for itself. That includes pressuring these government to repeal these laws. 

Our government has a responsibility to take a strong stand against anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and all forms of intolerance by calling for the Polish and Ukrainian governments to unequivocally reject Holocaust distortion and the honoring of Nazi collaborators and fully prosecute anti-Semitic crimes. I strongly believe that we should be monitoring instances of Holocaust distortion to ensure that the U.S. is not supporting or funding groups and individuals that promote or justify anti-Semitism. The full text of our letter to the State Department is available by clicking here. 

Commemorating the Armenian Genocide 

This weekend, I will join with members of Rhode Island’s Armenian community to mark 103 years since the Armenian Genocide. Yet, even after all these years, our government continues to refuse to recognize this act of evil. The reality is that 1.5 million Armenian men, women, and children were brutally and systematically murdered while living under the Ottoman Empire. 

Over the years, I’ve spoken with many Rhode Islanders who have repeated stories their parents or grandparents told them about living through the horror of the Armenian genocide. After 100 years of waiting, it’s time for the President and the U.S. Government to recognize this fact and to help get justice for the survivors and their families. 

As always, if you or someone you know has any questions or concerns, please call my office at 729-5600 or send me an email at David.Cicilline@mail.house.gov . You can also click here  to follow my work on Twitter.

Warm Regards,
David Cicilline
Member of Congress