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Friday, February 2, 2018


Let us be clear about the state of our union under Donald Trump and the Republican majority in Congress.
Here are just some of the "accomplishments" of the Trump administration and his Republican enablers:
  1. Shamelessly tried to take away health care from millions of Americans.
  2. Stripped protections from hundreds of thousands of DACA-recipients so Leader McConnell could use them as a sick "bargaining chip" in federal budget negotiations.
  3. Filled our federal courts with extreme and woefully unqualified judges.
  4. Made his inane climate change denial federal "policy" and ceded more of our federal lands and coastline to big oil companies.
  5. Re-upped conservative attacks on women's healthcare and LGBTQ communities.
  6. Forced through a massive tax cut to enrich his own family and his billionaire donors at the expense of middle-class and working families.
  7. Continually threatened our national security through rash tweets and interactions with foreign leaders -- while also obstructing the investigation into Russia's interference in our 2016 federal election.
  8. Further compromised our American civil liberties by reauthorizing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
  9. Defended the white supremacists who marched and violently attacked counter-protesters in Charlottesville.
  10. Took a wrecking ball to our free and open internet by rolling back net neutrality protections.
  11. Abandoned the American citizens in Puerto Rico after Hurricanes Irma and Maria decimated the island.
  12. Instituted an unconstitutional and racist travel ban targeting majority-Muslim countries.
I am concerned about the state of our union. We cannot allow Trump to continue to erode the moral fabric of our nation.
We must fight back against Trump's assault on our communities and our values. And the only way to stop the president's extreme agenda is by electing a Democratic majority in the Senate.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

PLANNED PARENTHOOD. Consent education = teen dating violence prevention.


Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts, Inc.

February 1st marks the beginning of Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. This year, the month carries a special significance as women and people of all gender identities across the country are coming forward to share their experiences with sexual harassment, assault, and relationship violence. Here in Massachusetts, we know how prevalent these issues are – especially among young people: in 2015, 9 percent of Massachusetts high schoolers reported being physically hurt by someone they were dating. 
President Trump's cold dismissal of the #MeToo movement makes it imperative that we take action here in Massachusetts. The Healthy Youth Act would require lessons about consent, healthy relationships, and how to recognize the signs of dating violence in public schools that choose to teach sex education. 
We have the power to make headway in preventing teen dating violence and sexual assault. On the first day of Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, let's take meaningful action to put the health and safety of our teens first. 
Thank you for joining me in this fight.
Jen Childs-Roshak
Jen CEO Signature.jpg
Jennifer Childs-Roshak, MD, MBA
Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts

APA- Discover sessions in your AOS at the APA Central Division meeting.

American Philosophical Association

Have you registered for the 2018 Central Division meeting, February 21–24 in Chicago? If not, please take a moment to register online now.

The meeting includes sessions in a broad range of topics. In order to make it easy for you to find sessions of interest, we've created a list of sessions broken out by several areas, as well as a tool that allows you to filter by one or more topic area.
This page offers a table of all sessions with the option to filter by any topic area. For session details, download the full program as a PDF.

Register now for the 2018 Central Division meeting! Early bird registration rates ($125 for APA members, $240 for non-members, and $40 for student members) are available until online registration closes on February 7. Central meeting registration will not be available February 8–20. You will be able to register on-site at the meeting; however, on-site registration rates will be $50 higher than early bird registration for all categories.

Register online now.

We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!

All the best,

Melissa Smallbrook
Meetings Coordinator



Dear David,

Tonight, President Trump had the opportunity to bring our country together, but instead he chose to double down on his divisive and destructive agenda – comprised of little substance or facts – that has come to define his failing Administration.

Over the last year, President Trump’s policies have come at grave costs to the very people he pledged to protect. He said he would bring American jobs back, but has overseen jobs being shipped overseas at an alarming rate. He has led Republicans’ ideological crusade to repeal the Affordable Care Act, driving up health care costs and taking away health coverage from millions of Americans. He has torn families apart and threatened to deport young people who are Americans in every sense of the word except for a sheet of paper. His only ‘legislative accomplishment’ is a tax scam that has sold the future of our workers, seniors, and the middle class to pad the pockets of big corporations, the wealthy, and the well-off. This is not what the American people signed up for.

While President Trump and Washington Republicans have caused confusion, crisis, and chaos, Democrats are focused on investing in hardworking families. We’re working to build an economy that puts Americans first. We’re fighting to create good-paying jobs, to ensure hard work is rewarded with good wages and to deliver workers the tools they need to be successful in the 21st century. A Better Deal – better jobs, better wages, and a better future – that is our collective vision for a stronger, more prosperous America, and we stand ready to work with any Republican willing to work in a bipartisan fashion to solve some of America’s biggest challenges.

Warm regards,
David N. Cicilline
Member of Congress