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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Tell the Senate: REJECT the GOP "tax cut" bill. U.S. SENATOR CHRIS MURPHY.

David -
Make no mistake about it, David: the “tax cut” bill Republicans passed in the House of Representatives yesterday wasn’t for you.

That bill was written for the billionaires and the mega-corporations Republican elites count as their core constituency. For ordinary Americans out there who don’t count themselves as part of the top 1/10 of 1 percent, this bill is a massive redistribution of wealth from your family to those who already have it all.

But as bad as the House bill is, the Senate bill is even worse. Because not only does it have many of the same giveaways to the ultra-rich, it also has provisions that would all but destroy the Affordable Care Act.

As if it wasn’t cruel enough to take away people’s health care to get back at President Obama, now Republicans are trying to do it to fund tax cuts for billionaires.

The Senate is likely going to vote on this bill soon, and the first step to stopping them is getting the public on the record opposing their scheme. Say you’re with me.

Republicans have repeatedly gone on the record that this tax bill is written to placate ultra-rich donors and the large CEOs of this country who stand to gain the most. And to do it in a way that will take away health care from millions? My God.
It’s time to mobilize. Right now.

Every best wish,

Chris Murphy
U.S. Senator, Connecticut

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Keep health care OUT of this. PLANNED PARENTHOOD.

Planned Parenthood

Attacks on our health care have no place in any bill, let alone a tax bill — but Mitch McConnell is desperate enough for a political win that he's trying to force them through.

They failed to repeal health care because of our fierce opposition. So now, McConnell and his ideologue friends are trying to sneak a provision through in their tax bill that would rip away health care from 13 million people, and raise premiums for millions more. They're rushing to pass this harmful bill in the coming weeks. We need to rise up and stop it now.

Send a message to your senators right now demanding they reject this sneaky attempt to undermine the Affordable Care Act — and any provision in this tax bill that would restrict or take away our access to health care.

McConnell's latest move sabotages the ACA by repealing one of its central components: the individual mandate, which ensures everyone has health coverage. Thanks to the ACA, nearly 10 million women gained health care coverage and the number of uninsured women was cut almost in half. This latest attack from McConnell threatens to reverse that progress.

If this disaster of a tax bill passes, it would cause millions of people's premiums to skyrocket and could destabilize insurance markets, wreaking havoc on health care in this country. But McConnell and his allies don't care — they're just trying to give a tax break to their millionaire friends by taking health care away from families who are working hard to make ends meet. 

The situation is dire, but here's the good news: People don't want this — and McConnell knows it. That's why he snuck it in and is trying to pass it quickly, before we can rally and shut it down.

Remember how they tried to do the same thing over and over again with the push to "repeal and replace" the Affordable Care Act? And remember how grassroots hellraising — including your activism — stopped them every single time?

We need that same strong, rapid response to stop this sneak attack right now. Send a message to your senators and ask them to oppose any attempt to use this tax bill to take away or restrict access to health care.

Thanks for stepping up once again for the millions who are counting on us.

Cecile Richards, President
Planned Parenthood Action Fund
P.S. Please, even if you've spoken out a hundred times this year, send a message to your senators again opposing this latest attempt to sabotage our health care.

Dumb and Dumber GOP Tax Edition. PEOPLE'S ACTION.

House votes to make YOU pay for a massive tax cut for wealthy

Trump and the GOP promised to cut cut cut and boy do they mean it. But it's not you or I who will benefit.
Thanks to Paul Ryan and the House GOP, millions of working and middle class families will pay MORE taxes to stuff the pockets of the rich and big corporations. This is a big holiday gift to their donors.
The tax bill is health care repeal in reverse. First, they cut taxes for big corporations and billionaires. Then they slash Medicare by $470 billion, Medicaid and other health programs by $1.3 trillion over the next ten years. They are taking lifesaving medicine from children and the elderly to make more money than they can ever spend.
This could be the largest wealth transfer -- from working people to the ultra wealthy -- in American history. This dwarfs the tax cuts of Reagan and George W. Bush, neither of which led to real economic growth. Instead they stuck us with the bill.


Congressman Knight just voted to raise our taxes. Let’s make sure he knows there will be consequences.

...vote Republicans out of the House in 2018.

Congressman Knight knew the Republican tax plan would hurt California families. He even told us he had concerns. But when it came time to stand with our community, Knight turned his back on us and gave President Trump and Paul Ryan his vote.

Congressman Knight betrayed us. We won’t let him forget.

Congressman Knight’s loyalty is to Donald Trump and Paul Ryan, not our community...condemn his vote...voting Republicans out in 2018.

Actions have consequences. If our leaders are going to turn their backs on us, let’s be sure and do the same to them at the ballot box next year.

Team Caforio