Attacks on our health care have
no place in any bill, let alone a tax bill — but Mitch McConnell is desperate enough for a political win that he's trying to force them through.
They failed to repeal health care because of our fierce opposition. So now, McConnell and his ideologue friends are trying to sneak a provision through in their tax bill that would rip away health care from 13 million people, and raise premiums for millions more.
They're rushing to pass this harmful bill in the coming weeks. We need to rise up and stop it now.
Send a message to your senators right now demanding they reject this sneaky attempt to undermine the Affordable Care Act — and any provision in this tax bill that would restrict or take away our access to health care.
McConnell's latest move sabotages the ACA by repealing one of its central components: the individual mandate, which ensures everyone has health coverage. Thanks to the ACA, nearly 10 million women gained health care coverage and the number of uninsured women was cut almost in half. This latest attack from McConnell threatens to reverse that progress.
If this disaster of a tax bill passes, it would cause millions of people's premiums to skyrocket and could destabilize insurance markets, wreaking havoc on health care in this country.
But McConnell and his allies don't care — they're just trying to give a tax break to their millionaire friends by taking health care away from families who are working hard to make ends meet.
The situation is dire, but here's the good news:
People don't want this — and McConnell knows it. That's why he snuck it in and is trying to pass it quickly, before we can rally and shut it down.
Remember how they tried to do the same thing
over and over again with the push to "repeal and replace" the Affordable Care Act? And remember how grassroots hellraising — including your activism — stopped them every single time?
We need that same strong, rapid response to stop this sneak attack right now. Send a message to your senators and ask them to oppose any attempt to use this tax bill to take away or restrict access to health care.
Thanks for stepping up once again for the millions who are counting on us.
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Sincerely, |
Cecile Richards, President Planned Parenthood Action Fund |
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