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Monday, May 20, 2024




Judge Merchan expects closing arguments in Donald Trump’s hush money trial to begin next Tuesday, May 28. 

We can’t predict what will happen, but we do know one thing: This trial has once again reminded us just how predatory, conniving, and immoral Trump has always been -- and regardless of the verdict, it’s clear that he should never be allowed near the Oval Office (or any office) again.

While the rest of us recognize this inescapable fact, Donald soft-floated the idea of a third term while speaking at the National Rifle Association convention this weekend. 

While the rest of the world watches Trump navigating four different criminal trials, he’s busy planting the seeds of autocracy to his adoring base.

And where, exactly, would our checks and balances stand?

The Times reported that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew an upside-down flag outside of his home shortly after the January 6th insurrection -- a symbol of the “stop the steal” movement to invalidate Joe Biden’s election. 

That’s right, a Supreme Court justice with direct influence over attempts to prevent election subversion flew a symbol of insurrection following an attack on our democracy. 

As Rep. Jamie Raskin succinctly put it, “it’s a very clear conflict of interest.”

Let’s recap: We’ve got an indicted criminal running for president who is floating the idea of flouting the Constitution to seize a third term while the exact levers of power meant to keep him in check dog-whistle their support of insurrection. 

We don’t know about you, but that certainly got us fired up to fight back!

With that, here are your weekly to-dos:

 Your 5 weekly to-dos 

  1. RSVP for the Majority over MAGA Weekend of Action Kickoff Call on Thursday, June 13 at 8pm ET/5pm PT. The Dobbs decision changed the course of contemporary American politics by making it clear to all of us that MAGA Republicans weren’t just here to make threats, they were going to follow through and rip away our rights. Help us use that anniversary to remind people that there’s a better option. Join the kickoff call to hear about how we’ll be highlighting the fight for reproductive rights during our upcoming weekend of action on June 21-24. For more information on the weekend of action itself, check out our Majority over MAGA Weekend of Action (June 21-24) Toolkit.
  2. Register for a virtual informal coffee chat with Leah and Ezra on Friday, May 31 at 4pm ET/1pm PT. Join Leah and Ezra in a laid-back setting to discuss the current state of play for the 2024 election with a focus on their most recent newsletters. If you’ve been looking for a place to ask specific questions of our national leadership, this is the space. Drop your questions in the Zoom registration and hear directly from our Co-Executive directors.
  3. Check and see if Neighbor2Neighbor is available in your area. We have opened pre-registration for Indivisible Action’s version of our highly effective, community conversation program -- Neighbor2Neighbor. If you want to have the biggest impact on voter turnout, this is the most effective way we’ve found to mobilize community members (our numbers prove it). Check and see if Neighbor2Neighbor is available in your area and, if it is, sign up today.
  4. Call your representative and tell them to hold the corrupt Supreme Court (SCOTUS) accountable. Whether it’s Clarence Thomas taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts from a billionaire MAGA donor, or Alito publicly supporting insurrection, the Supreme Court has a crisis of accountability. Tell your representative that they must pass the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act to impose ethical rules on all SCOTUS justices today. When you’re finished, call your senators and tell them they must hold SCOTUS accountable too. 
  5. Call your senator and demand they protect in vitro fertilization (IVF) access nationwide. The MAGA agenda did not just stop at repealing Roe. They intend to ban contraception, IVF, gender-affirming care, marriage equality, and more. Sen. Tammy Duckworth has introduced the Access to Family Building Act, a bill that would enshrine access to IVF and related services as a federal right, protecting both would-be families and their medical providers. If your senator is a Democrat, call and make sure they are a cosponsor. If your senator is a Republican, tell them to put their money where their mouth is, pass this bill, and actually support families. When you’re finished calling, send your senators an email urging them to protect IVF access. 

P.S. If you've already signed up to volunteer with Project 2024 and you're looking for more ways to support our election work, consider making a donation today. Your contribution will ensure all of our volunteers have the tools and resources they need to get out the vote and defeat MAGA up and down the ballot.

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