Former president Barack Obama spreads some holiday cheer at a DC children's hospital.
US news
In the spirit of holidays, former President Obama donned a Santa hat and paid a visit to the Children's National Hospital in Washington, DC.
Thank you @BarackObama for making our patients’ day so much brighter. Your surprise warmed our hallways and put smiles on everyone’s faces! Our patients loved your company…and your gifts!
#HolidaysAtChildrens #ObamaAndKids

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to the extraordinary kids, families, and staff at Children’s National. And thanks for humoring me as your stand-in Santa.
“At such a busy time of year, when no one wants to be in the hospital, his natural warmth lifted the spirits of those kids, their parents and of each staff member he met along the way.”
Barack Obama played Santa and surprised kids with gifts at a DC children’s hospital today
Check out this little girl’s reaction when President Obama stopped by her hospital room at Children’s National this afternoon in DC. From the Office of President Barack Obama:
The joy on these kids’ faces at seeing him has me bawling the happiest tears.
“What a great reminder of what holiday spirit is supposed to be all about.” 

How cool is this! So awesome to see President @BarackObama giving back. We should all be doing things like that this holiday season! #GiveBack #HolidaySeason #PayItForward #PresidentObama
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