- Do we, as a society, have an obligation to provide minimal affordable medical care to all.
- That many people will, through taxation, provide a service that will be of direct benefit to others and not them personally.
- That in the question of the right or wrong of a given situation, choosing a moral stand is;
To illustrate what I mean, here is an example. Let us say an individual decides all questions of morality will be answered from a Doctrine based upon the teachings of a given faith. Now such decisions have two distinct implications;
- Is the individual going to decide the morality of any given situation solely by religious instruction and nothing else. If not, they have invalidated their own moral code, for it is not universally applied. It contradicts any assertion that the doctrine of their faith, regarding morality, is to be accepted absolutely.
- Does the individual wish to establish this system of morality for all of society, and punish any deviations.