...You know, your support base.
It must have been a real shock. Everything was all set. In fact, people are still arguing about why VLAD didn't invade UKRAINE during DONALDS tenure as U.S. President.
They say it was because he didn't need to, a TRUMP WHITE HOUSE gave him everything he wanted. But that's not true. He couldn't create a NEW IRON CURTAIN, AND FOR YOU VLAD, THAT IS THE ULTIMATE GOAL. BELARUS IS IN YOUR POCKET, but UKRAINE IS THE BIGGEST PIECE OF THE PUZZLE. What is the long-term goal? SEIZE UKRAINE, and the rest of the DOMINOS fall?
However, the U.S., and the UNITED NATIONS, WOULD NEVER SIT STILL FOR SUCH NAKED AGGRESSION. After all, the U.S. is the Economic Backbone of this Organization designed to preserve the peace among all countries. I mean without the approval, or at least the neutrality, of the STRONGEST NATION ON EARTH, IT WOULD BE A MONUMENTAL CHALLENGE THAT COULD LEAD TO THE DESTRUCTION OF YOUR ADMINISTRATION, WITH POSSIBLE CALAMITOUS RESULTS FOR THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE. (However, I doubt you care that much about the RUSSIAN PEOPLE, who deserve much better than you).
What could you do VLAD?