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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Can you join us on June 21? Anna, Serve America.

 Dear David,

We are delighted to invite you to an upcoming virtual event featuring some of Serve America’s most impressive candidates.

Women of Serve event
RSVP link: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/62121sapwomen
June 21, 7:00PM EST
Featuring: Representatives Cindy Axne, Jahana Hayes, Chrissy Houlahan, Susie Lee, Elaine Luria, Elissa Slotkin, Abigail Spanberger, and Lauren Underwood

We hope you’ll join us in support of Serve America’s incredible slate of endorsed Members - please reach out to me directly with any questions.

Best wishes,

The Finance Team




AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Call for chairs and commentators: 2022 Eastern Division meeting.


 Philosophical Association




The program committee for the 2022 APA Eastern Division meeting invites those who are interested to sign up to comment on a paper or chair a session at the upcoming Eastern Division meeting. You may sign up using this online form. Because of complications resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, we do not yet have a confirmed location or dates for the meeting. We do know that the meeting will be in person and take place early in January 2022. We anticipate confirming the dates and location in late June or July.


When you sign up, your information will be given to the program committee so that you may be considered as a chair or commentator. Invitations to chairs and commentators are expected to go out later this month.


Signing up does not guarantee that you will be asked to comment or chair. The program committee also makes use of other sources for possible commentators and chairs, including the authors of submitted papers that were not accepted. The number interested in commenting/chairing usually far exceeds the number of positions that need to be filled. The committee does not notify those who have not been selected.


Please note that all program participants, including presenters, chairs, and commentators, must register for the meeting.


If you have questions, please contact me.




Jeffrey Dunn

APA Eastern Division Secretary-Treasurer


The American Philosophical Association

University of Delaware

31 Amstel Avenue, Newark, DE 19716

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The AR-15 is not a Swiss Army Knife. U.S. REP. ADAM SCHIFF.

 David —

A federal judge just overturned California’s assault weapons ban.

He likened the AR-15 to a “Swiss Army Knife.”

And then spread an anti-vax falsehood that “more people have died from the Covid-19 vaccine than mass shootings in California.”

This is a direct result of Republican presidents packing the lower courts with ideologues, and congressional inaction on gun violence prevention laws.

We need to take a stand against these dangerious ideas and false claims. The Senate must take action to reinstate the federal assault weapons ban. Add your name if you agree.


After President Biden’s Rose Garden press conference rallying support for my Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act in April, I wrote to you that we had already lost over 11,000 people to gun violence this year, seen another 8,000 injured, and witnessed 133 mass shootings.

In just two months, those numbers have virtually doubled. Over 19,000 gun violence deaths. Over 16,000 injured. And 258 mass shootings. Enough.

The AR-15 and weapons like it are not akin to a Swiss Army Knife — it’s a weapon of war. And treating it any other way is an insult to those who have suffered because of this weapon.

The NRA and its Republican allies have fought for decades to stop even the most common-sense reforms, but the bottom line is this: We are the only developed nation in the world that tolerates this kind of bloodshed. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Add your name to join me in demanding the Senate reinstate the federal assault weapons ban. We can’t let NRA talking points or anti-vax misinformation stop us from protecting our communities.


Gun violence victims and their families need justice. We must do all we can to enact common-sense gun laws so no more lives are lost to this scourge.

— Adam

Show your support for H.R. 1! U.S. REP. SETH MOULTON.


From Texas to Georgia, Republicans in state legislatures are mounting a coordinated attack on voting rights. They’re willing to do whatever it takes to stop Democrats from winning.

That’s why we’re asking for you to support H.R. 1, the For the People Act today. Will you add your name to our petition right now?

Republicans are fighting tooth and nail against this bill because they know if it passes, their corrupt agenda will be ruined and voting rights for all Americans will be protected across the country.

With H.R.1 in place, we will pass Automatic Voter Registration, revive the Voting Rights Act, and deal a major blow to Republican voter suppression.

Thanks for making your voice heard,

Team Moulton