We’ve been through a lot together over the last year—the COVID-19 pandemic, the end of Trump’s presidency, and now, a new day for America.
It’s been a bumpy ride and I feel lucky to have you on my team.
While sheltering in the Capitol with the rest of Congress during the January 6th Capitol attack, I thought to myself, “Is this what we want America to be?”
The simple answer: No.
For the most part, we live in a beautifully complex but well-functioning democracy. Most of us want to see our neighbors succeed and help each other through this pandemic. Most of us revere the democratic process and the law. Most of us believe in science and trust vaccines. Most of us want the best for each other, even when we disagree.
The American Rescue Plan—something made possible only by the work of fired-up Democrats like you—is one of our greatest legislative achievements. It represents the best of government and the best of America.
But, David, there is still work to do. Despite our shared belief in America and common goal of making it the best it can be, there is a disturbing trend in our politics right now. Right-wing extremism has taken shape in a way we haven’t seen before. Disinformation and conspiracy theories are more prevalent than ever. And a class of ultra-rich Republican mega-donors and dark money super PACs are clinging to power by fueling divisiveness in our political system.
Our hard-won Democratic majorities offer hope today—but we can’t afford to get complacent. Republican political strategists are already looking at the map to see where they can flip seats and poke holes in our unified Congress. Donald Trump has floated launching his own Super PAC and even mounting another presidential bid. Trump and his Republican allies are going to do everything they can to reverse the progress we’ve all fought so hard to achieve.
I look forward to working with all of you for the next two years to preserve and expand our critical majorities in the House and Senate.
Thanks for all you do.