This is the moment we’ve been working toward for eight years, since our loved ones were murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary. That’s why we need to mobilize quickly and have 50,000 people tell members of Congress to vote YES on this lifesaving legislation. Even if you’ve taken action before, it’s crucial that the House hear from you again today to make sure this bill passes.
In the months after the Sandy Hook shooting, we poured our entire hearts into passing background checks legislation, only to watch the Senate vote it down. It crushed us to see that bill fail – and with more children’s lives at risk every day, we cannot afford to fail again.
97% of Americans approve of requiring a background check for all gun sales, and this is the best chance we’ve ever had to finally get this done. Please, there isn’t much time before the vote: Will you sign your name now?
There is no time to waste, so we can’t tell you how much it means to have you by our side at a moment like this. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for all you do to help us protect children from gun violence.
Sandy Hook Promise