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Friday, October 30, 2020

AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION. APA leadership nomination deadline is tomorrow.

 Philosophical Association 




Tomorrow, October 31, is the last day to nominate qualified candidates for APA leadership positions for terms beginning on July 1, 2021.


All nominations must be made through the online nominations system. Nominations submitted by email, phone, or postal mail will not be accepted.


There are member positions available on all APA committees, including the new Committee on the Status of Disabled People in the Profession, as well as openings for associate chair positions on five committees. We are also accepting nominations for one board member at large and four members of the Graduate Student Council (GSC). Most committee terms are three years in length; GSC terms are two years. Sign in to the nominations system for more information and for the complete list of leadership positions.


Both nominators and nominees must be current APA members. If you haven’t done so already, please renew your APA membership.


 nominations site


Service on the board of officers, an APA committee, or the graduate student council is a significant opportunity for leadership in the profession and the association. I encourage you to take the time to nominate qualified candidates—self-nominations welcome!—for these important positions.


All the best,


Amy E. Ferrer

Executive Director


The American Philosophical Association

University of Delaware

31 Amstel Avenue, Newark, DE 19716


Higher Logic

A Message from VSU's Director of Admissions.


V-State  Valdosta State University


V-State experience

Greetings from the Blazer Nation! I hope this message finds you safe and well. As a two-time alumnus from Valdosta State University, I can tell that in my 20 years of being on this campus, it is an exciting time to be a Blazer. The challenges that 2020 has given all of us have become an opportunity for our entire Blazer Nation to pull together and do what is best for our students. I am also excited to tell you the Fall 2020 class marked the largest freshman class in our institution’s history. We are looking forward to welcoming in our Fall 2021 class and are calling on you for your help.


Traditionally, we have a series of events to inform prospective students and their families about the benefits of earning a degree from Valdosta State University. As you may expect, we are not able to hold these in person right now. However, we are holding our “V-State Experiences” virtually. The first one will kick off this Sunday afternoon at 5:00 PM eastern standard time. You are welcome to register so you can check-in with your alma mater to hear the wonderful things happening at VSU. I also encourage you to invite anyone you know who might be interested in VSU to register and attend. This could be someone still in high school, transferring from another college, never have been to college but thinking about it, or if someone  who is interested in one of our fully online or even Graduate level programs. We believe everyone will benefit from joining our V-State Experience.  


Here is the link with more details on each event: www.valdosta.edu/vse.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Best regards,




Ryan Hogan

Ryan M. Hogan

Director of Admissions

Valdosta State University

VSU Class of 2004 & 2007


Office: 229.333.5791| Fax: 229.333.5482|



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1500 N. Patterson St. Valdosta, Georgia 31698
Phone: 229-333-5797

Thursday, October 29, 2020

AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION. General Discussion Digest: New Logic Textbook - Logic as a Liberal Art.


Jacob Andrews
Oct 28, 2020 3:30 PM
Jacob Andrews
Has anyone looked at or used R.E. Houser's Logic as a Liberal Art: An Introduction to Rhetoric and Reasoningwhich came out this year? It covers syllogistic and propositional logic from a traditional Aristotelian, natural language point of view. I've been using this book to teach high schoolers who already have a few years of modern, truth-functional formal logic and they seem to enjoy the different perspective. And I've never taught this kind of logic before so it's been a learning experience for me, too. Has anyone else used this book or taken a look at it?

Jacob Joseph Andrews
Upper School Latin Teacher and IT Administrator – Covenant Classical School
PhD Candidate, Philosophy – Loyola University Chicago

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