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Thursday, August 13, 2020


David --
I was overjoyed when I heard yesterday's announcement.
I've had the honor of serving in the Senate and on the Senate Judiciary Committee alongside both the next president and vice president: Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris.
Just this summer, Senator Harris and I have been working together on the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, and while the legislation serves as a wearying reminder of how much we have left to do, her historic selection is a consequential step forward.
Together, this experienced duo will show the leadership and fidelity to the Constitution our country sorely needs.
Because our nation simply cannot endure four more years under President Trump, I will do everything in my power to help elect Joe and Kamala, and I look forward to working with them as our next president and vice president.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Trump’s Latest Briefing Was an Avalanche of Dishonesty. ESQUIRE.


It's Still News When the President Wages a 40-Minute Assault on Reality

During a briefing Monday night, the president lied about mail-in ballots in Virginia, about Russian interference in the coming election, about foreign countries messing with mail-in ballots, about mail-in voting in New York, about whether the novel coronavirus spread in China, about tariffs, about how testing creates cases (again), about the stockpile of ventilators he inherited, about how the Obama administration "spied" on him. The chance to spout the last one was served up by a good friend from OAN, the network for people who think Fox News is insufficiently loyal to the president (a group which sometimes includes the president), who began her query—which she called an "opinion" question—by essentially asking the president whether it was difficult to be so victimized by very nasty people. This kind of Dear Leader vaudeville has become commonplace in the American republic. But the real peach arrived in a discussion of pre-existing conditions. Politics Editor Jack Holmes unpacks Trumps’ avalanche of dishonesty. Read More

AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Calls for Proposals: The AAPT-APA Teaching Hub at the 2021 Pacific Division meeting.

American Philosophical Association


The APA Committee on the Teaching of Philosophy (CTP) and the American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT) invite proposals for Teaching Hub sessions at the 2021 Pacific Division meeting in Portland, OR, March 31–April 4.

Note: Currently, all three APA divisions are planning to hold in-person meetings in 2021. At the same time, we are also considering alternative formats, such as virtual meetings, as contingencies in the case that our usual meeting format becomes impossible. Though external forces like the ongoing pandemic affect and inform our plans, your participation is the most critical input for planning any meeting. If you are considering submitting a proposal, we encourage you to do so.

The AAPT-APA Teaching Hub is a series of interactive workshops and conversations designed specifically for philosophers and created to celebrate teaching within the context of the APA divisional meetings. Jointly organized by the CTP and the AAPT, the Teaching Hub aims to offer a range of high-quality and inclusive development opportunities that address the teaching of philosophy at all levels, pre-college through graduate school.
Please consider submitting a proposal for one of more of the following sessions at the 2021 Pacific Division meeting by September 1:
The complete calls for proposals are available on the APA website.

Teaching Hub Poster Sessions

Each Teaching Hub includes a poster session and reception featuring both independent work by undergraduate students and innovative work in the teaching of philosophy by faculty and graduate students.

If you have something of your own to share with your colleagues—a new teaching technique, course proposal, assessment strategy, in-class activity, or SoTL research finding—please consider submitting an abstract to one of the Teaching Hub poster sessions by August 15.

Please also encourage undergraduates who have completed independent work in philosophy this past academic year and undergraduates who are working on summer research projects in philosophy currently to submit an abstract to one of the Teaching Hub poster sessions by November 15.

For general information about the AAPT-APA Teaching Hub, please visit the AAPT website and the CTP webpage. For specific information about the Teaching Hub at the 2021 Pacific Division meeting in Portland, OR, please contact Cecilea Mun (cecileamun@icloud.com).

We look forward to receiving your proposals.

All the best,

David W. Concepción
Chair, APA Committee on the Teaching of Philosophy

P.S. Please note that all APA meeting participants are required to register for each meeting they attend.

The American Philosophical Association
University of Delaware
31 Amstel Avenue, Newark, DE 19716

Higher Logic