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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION: Janet Levin to deliver the 2020 Pacific Division Dewey Lecture on June 25.

American Philosophical Association

Professor Janet Levin

The American Philosophical Association is pleased to announce that Janet Levin (USC Dornsife) will present the 2020 Pacific Division Dewey Lecture next week via live stream, following an introduction by Robin Jeshion (USC Dornsife). Professor Levin’s lecture, “The Road Taken,” was originally scheduled for the Pacific Division meeting in April 2020, which was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Janet Levin received her BA from the University of Chicago (1972) and her PhD from MIT (1980). She is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Southern California, and has done a lot of work defending physicalism in the philosophy of mind and the legitimacy of thought experiments in philosophical inquiry—and arguing that there need be no conflict between these views. She is also interested in what to say about norms of assertion in the age of Twitter.

The live stream will take place on Thursday, June 25, at 11:00 a.m. Pacific time / 2:00 p.m. Eastern time. To participate, register on the APA website. Registration will be available until 7 a.m. Pacific time / 10 a.m. Eastern time on the day of the lecture, and access information will be provided to registrants at least one hour prior to the start of the webinar. Registration is limited to current APA members.

Register now

Space is limited, so register now! If you’re unable to attend the live lecture, a recording will be made available to APA members afterward.

All the best,

Amy Ferrer
Executive Director


Dear David McDonald,

Please find the June NAKS newsletter attached. To access it, please click june 2020.pdf. If you have any problems opening the file, please go to the members-only section of our website.  You will find the current issue on the newsletters page.

While I am writing, I will also remind all members that the voting period on the amendments to the NAKS constitution ends on June 20. The proposals are marked in track changes here: Proposed Amendments to NAKS constitution June 2020.pdf. I thank all members who have already voted, and ask those who would still like to vote, to do so by writing "yes" to accept the amendments, and "no" to reject them, to r-zuckert@northwestern.edu by June 20.
Best wishes,

Rachel Zuckert

Contemporary studies in kantian philosophy 5 (2020): Table of contents

On behalf of The Contemporary Kantian Philosophy Project, I'm extremely pleased to announce the publication of Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy 5 (2020).


9. Robert Hanna, Ciência e Natureza Humana: A Complete Portuguese Translation of Kant, Science, and Human Nature (Translators: Patrícia Kauark-Leite [Coordinator and Technical Reviewer], Adilson Luiz Quevedo, Francisco Grynberg Bignotto, and Maria Carolina Mendonça de Resende).  Forthcoming in July 2020.

Best wishes in troubled times,

Robert Hanna

Robert Hanna
Director, The Contemporary Kantian Philosophy Project: HERE
Editor, Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy: HERE
Independent philosopher: