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Friday, October 11, 2019

Check out Tom’s highlights from the CNN LGBTQI town hall. TOM STEYER.


Last week, we asked this team how Tom could be an ally to the LGBTQI community. We received so many responses — thoughtful questions about how to make queer kids feel safe, many fearful concerns about violence against the trans community, and stories of frustration about discrimination against LGBTQI people. Thank you to everyone who took the time to share your thoughts. 

Tom participated in a “Power of Our Pride” town hall last night, hosted by CNN and the Human Rights Campaign, to talk about how he would address issues facing the LGBTQI community as president. In case you missed it, here’s a bit of what he said: 
Tom remains firm in his belief that everyone, regardless of who they are or who they love, is entitled to be treated equally. To ensure the American promise applies to all of us, Tom knows that we must keep organizing and fighting from the grassroots all the way to Washington. 

Thank you..
Tom 2020

[SCOTUS update] LGBTQ rights in danger. JENNIFER WEXTON.

David, gender identity and sexual orientation are not fireable offenses.

But the Supreme Court is now on the brink of giving employers a green light to discriminate against LGBTQ Americans.

Let's be clear: There is no risk of "massive social upheaval" by affirming that Americans should never face discrimination because of who they are or who they love.

This decision is likely coming down to the vote of one Trump-appointed justice, and we need 10,000 signatures to show that the American people are on the side of equality. 

In solidarity,


ESQUIRE: Trump's Minneapolis Rally Was a Demonstration of the Moral Suicide Pact He's Made With His Supporters.

It was surely a swift process for some people. Here's a talk-radio soundboard running for president, yelling about Mexicans and Muslims and how we need a Big, Beautiful Wall to keep Those People out. He knows whose country this is. He knows who should make the rules, and who ought to shut up and follow them. He knows who gets a seat at the table in America. They were in from the jump, from the moment they first stood at a rally and felt that twisted power coursing through their veins. Read More