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Saturday, September 14, 2019


I hope you're ready to make some change in this country, because together, we're in a position to write our nation's next chapter. But we cannot do it without your help.

A better future is not only possible – it's within reach. But Republicans are doing everything in their power to hold us back. They're obstructing the Democratic process so that they can keep pushing Trump's hateful, divisive agenda.

I should know – when I ran for governor of Georgia in 2018, I faced a nearly impossible task: overcoming systemic voter suppression by a Republican Party that silenced too many voices.

That’s why I’m reaching out today: Too much is at stake to sit on the sidelines. In every election up and down the ballot, we can reject the Trump-GOP agenda and flip red states blue, but we cannot do that without the input of dedicated supporters like you.

The next elections are about us. They’re our chance to fix what is broken – and to finally kick out those who broke it.

But to claim victory on Election Day, we have a lot of work to do. We have to reach out to those who do not believe their voices matter and convince them otherwise. Because here’s the thing: Inaction can be contagious, but so can a passion for change. 

With your help, we will register every last voter, get them to the polls and prove to them that elections have the power to change their lives. But, before we do that, we need your help setting our outreach strategy.

DAVID, we can’t let this fight pass us by – not after we’ve seen what the GOP will do to win. Change starts small, but together, I know we can lead this country toward a brighter future for everyone.

Stacey Abrams


Hosts needed in 02771. BERNIE SANDERS.

Bernie 2020’s first Week of Action is coming up next Wednesday, and we want you to be a part of it!
Our goal is to host thousands of Plan to Win parties across the country for supporters to come together and plan the next steps of our grassroots movement.
Will you sign up to host a Plan to Win party between September 18 and 24?

These Plan to Win parties will be incredibly important to the success of our movement. They are an opportunity for supporters in your area to team up, learn about our campaign's strategy, and ultimately win votes for Bernie in Massachusetts.
We already know you’ve got what it takes to host a successful event, which is why we’re asking:
It’s important that we come together now in order to make sure we are ready for what’s to come. Thank you for being a critical part of our movement.
In solidarity,
Team Bernie

Thursday, September 12, 2019

AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION: Register now for the 2020 Eastern Division meeting!

The 2020 Eastern Division meeting will be held January 8–11 at the Philadelphia 201 Hotel in Philadelphia, PA.

Meeting Registration

Online registration is now open! You will be able to register online at the early bird rates until December 18 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. Please note that online registration will be available only until December 18. After that date, online registration will no longer be available, but you will still be able to register at the registration desk at the meeting.
The early bird registration rates are $50 less for all categories than for the on-site registration rates. To register at the member rates, you must be signed in.

Meeting Program

The meeting program is available on the APA website. Meeting registrants will also have access to the full program, including room locations, in our meeting app, which will be released in advance of the meeting.
Go green! You’ll save an additional $5 on meeting registration if you choose not to receive a paper copy of the program. Our free meeting app for smartphones and tablets contains the full program. Those who go paperless will have the option to purchase a program for $5 at the registration desk, but quantities will be limited.
Watch the APA Eastern Facebook and Twitter pages for periodic announcements about high-profile sessions.

Hotel Reservations

Hotel reservations at the conference rates can be made through the link on the APA website. The APA Group Rate is $149 per night (plus applicable taxes and fees).
Please note: It is important that those attending the meeting stay in the conference hotels, rather than at other hotels, and specifically in the block of rooms reserved for APA meeting attendees. The financial viability of the meeting depends on our meeting our contractual obligations, the most important of which (by far) is that we fill a minimum number of sleeping rooms. Failure to do so results in a significant penalty, which, as a non-profit organization, the APA is ill-equipped to pay, and which would take resources away from other important APA initiatives.
For more information about the 2020 Eastern Division meeting, visit the meeting page. All meeting-related inquiries should be submitted via the meeting contact forms.
The program and executive committees extend a cordial invitation to all APA members to come and take part in the 2020 Eastern Division meeting.
Jeffrey Dunn
APA Eastern Division Secretary-Treasurer

Help me restore commonsense to the Commonwealth and the nation. MARK HERRING.

Hey David -- in case you missed it, Congress is back in session. That means the clock is ticking once again on the Senate’s inaction on gun violence.

The Democratic-led House took up the mantle and passed meaningful gun safety legislation over seven months ago, yet Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refuses to introduce the bill in the Senate. His inaction is shameful. 

Virginia is on the front lines of this fight. Not only did our legislature convene for a special session to work on these issues, but our state also holds the power to shape our national discourse with our upcoming elections.

90% of Americans support background checks for gun sales but the NRA continues to wield unprecedented influence on our elected officials. Republicans’ unwillingness to enact commonsense gun safety measures is a betrayal of our communities and clearly shows they are working for the NRA, not us.

As Virginia’s Attorney General, I’ve worked day in and day out to reduce the gun violence epidemic by:
  • Standing up to the gun lobby by working to reinstate Virginia’s “one handgun a month” law
  • Fighting for mandatory background checks on all gun sales, including those at gun shows
  • Training law enforcement in the use of Lethality Assessment Protocol to save lives

This issue is personal to me, as it is for many Americans in our great state and across the country.

