I’m not a politician, and I don’t normally endorse candidates. But I believe Seth Moulton is the right leader for where were are and where we need to go, and that’s why I’m proud to endorse him to be the next President of the United States.
Our nation needs good leadership, perhaps now more than ever. I was reminded of that last night, when I got home early from a trip and turned on the TV to see the horrifying "send her back" chants about Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.
To make it through these troubling times, we need strong leadership—someone with the right character, competence, and policies to stand up for who we are as a nation.
There’s no better candidate than Seth to fight for American values and lead us into the future. He has combat experience, academic experience, business experience, and government experience. Just as importantly, he’s a part of the new generation of leadership we need to move our country forward.
I’ve known a lot of great leaders in my day, and there are a lot of great candidates in this race. But Seth Moulton would be the best commander-in-chief, and he’s the one I want as my president.
-General Stanley McChrystal.