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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Stop Trump's efforts to rig the Census. JENNIFER WEXTON.

David -- last week, the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the Trump administration’s efforts to rig the U.S. Census.

But Trump, in the latest display of his disregard for the rule of law, is still trying to put a politically-motivated “citizenship” question on the Census. He’s even considering an executive order to do it!

Adding a citizenship question is a blatant attempt to silence the voices of immigrants and communities of color. It would mean that diverse and growing states like Virginia are at risk of not being fairly counted.

We need to speak up now to show Trump that the American people won’t stand for using the Census as a voter suppression tool. Can you help us get 10,000 signatures to stop Trump’s efforts to rig the Census?
The Census is an essential tool in making sure our democracy remains fair and inclusive. And it hasn’t included a citizenship question for nearly seventy years.

A citizenship question is designed to discourage response rates. But our federal government has a constitutional duty to count every person -- regardless of where they came from or their immigration status.

We must make sure this administration upholds that duty. Add your name now!

Thank you,

Team Wexton

Rep. Jennifer Wexton proudly serves the 10th District of Virginia. She's fighting to create a strong economy, ensure equality for all, and invest in a better future for America.

Nationwide vigils to protest inhumane conditions for migrants. BETO O'ROURKE.

On Friday, July 12th, thousands of people will gather for nationwide Lights for Liberty vigils to demand an end to inhumane conditions that migrants and asylum seekers are facing in detention centers.

More than 170 organizations from across the social justice spectrum are hosting or co-sponsoring the Lights for Liberty vigils, and more than 650 local events are happening across the country. Civil rights groups, labor organizers, religious leaders, teachers’ associations, and people from all walks of life are joining.

This is a critical moment in history that demands we stand up, that we make a loud, unified demand. Please don’t miss it.

If you are interested in participating in a local Lights for Liberty vigil on July 12th, please sign up here. You’ll receive info to find a local event near you – or to host your own.

At the detention centers, teen mothers have been held outside in “dog pounds.” Sick and elderly people have been confined in “icebox” rooms for weeks. Babies as young as four months old have been ripped from their parents’ arms. Kids have died. These vigils will send a powerful message that we will not accept these conditions in our country. 

Key Lights for Liberty events are being planned across the country as well as at the sites of detention centers – in El Paso, Texas; Homestead, FL; San Diego, CA; Foley Square, NYC. In Washington DC, people are demanding Congress end the detention centers and impeach Trump. 

Beto will be joining the vigil in Peterborough, NH. Many people from our team will be at the event in El Paso. We hope you’ll join, wherever you are:

Thank you for being part of this,
Team Beto

Sign if you agree: “There is a climate emergency which demands a massive-scale mobilization to halt... " BERNIE SANDERS.

David -
Climate change is an existential threat to humanity. Today, I introduced with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a resolution in Congress declaring climate change to be a national emergency. I am writing to ask for your support for this idea. This is how our resolution starts:

There is a climate emergency which demands a massive-scale mobilization to halt, reverse, and address its consequences and causes.

Climate change is real, it is caused by human activity, and it is already causing devastating harm to the United States and countries around the world.

Yesterday, parts of Washington, DC experienced nearly unprecedented flooding because of a rain storm. Devastating storms regularly rip across the Midwest at increasing scale. Alaska had 90 degree temperatures this weekend, which was the hottest ever recorded.

Yet it is not just the United States. All over the world, you see communities displaced by climate change. People suffer daily because of floods, storms, and more.

Let's be clear. Failure to act decisively on climate change will mean more drought, more famine, more rising sea levels, more floods, more ocean acidification, more extreme weather disturbances, more disease and more human suffering. Climate change is about our survival of the human race.

The good news is that we now have the knowledge and technology to address climate change, and it starts with creating an international energy system that is clean, efficient, and sustainable. The bad news is that we are up against the fossil fuel industry, which is one of the most powerful political forces in the country.

They spend hundreds of millions of dollars on campaigns and lobbying every election cycle to protect their interests, while they continue to lie and deny the reality of climate change. And they make billions in profits by continuing to pump, refine, and burn oil, while future generations will be forced to deal with the catastrophic consequences of climate change.
It is past time for the United States to call climate change what it is: an emergency that is an existential threat to humanity that requires an urgent, massive response.

In doing so, we will be going against the fossil fuel industry’s army of lobbyists, PACs, and bought-and-sold legislators. But that is a fight worth having.

The only way that we can be successful in the fight against climate change is if the American people stand up to the fossil fuel industry and make their voices heard. So I’m asking you today:

We have a president who not only believes that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese government, but is pursuing policies which make a frightening situation even worse. Further, we have a major political party, the Republican Party, that marches in lockstep behind the ignorance of the president.

But in our campaign, we have an opportunity for the U.S. to be a leader in the global fight against climate change.
Thank you for being a part of this fight.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

APA- Call for Nominations Reminder: 2019 Prize for Excellence in Philosophy Teaching.

The nomination deadline for the APA’s 2019 Prize for Excellence in Philosophy Teaching is less than one month away. Don’t wait to submit your nomination!
This annual prize recognizes a philosophy teacher who has had a profound impact on the student learning of philosophy in undergraduate and/or pre-college settings. The winner will be awarded $1,000 and a plaque. All APA members are eligible.
The prize is sponsored by the American Philosophical Association (APA), the American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT), and the Teaching Philosophy Association (TPA).
Nomination letters should be no more than 2,000 words and should address the selection criteria detailed below. (For reference, the nomination letters of previous winners are linked on the Teaching Prize page.) Only APA members may submit nominations; self-nominations are welcome.

Criteria to Include in the Nomination Letter

  • Excellence in undergraduate and/or pre-college philosophy teaching, established, in part, by the nominee's attention to student learning
  • Creative and effective use of high-quality pedagogies
  • Broader impact on the quality of philosophy education through service and/or research

The nomination deadline is August 1, 2019. To submit a nomination, fill out the nomination form.

After reviewing the nomination letters, the APA committee on the teaching of philosophy will invite selected finalists to submit detailed information.

We look forward to receiving your nominations for the 2019 Prize for Excellence in Philosophy Teaching.


David ConcepciĆ³n
Chair, APA Committee on the Teaching of Philosophy