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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Volunteer to comment or chair at the 2020 Pacific Division meeting. AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION.

The APA Pacific Division invites volunteers to chair sessions or comment on papers at its annual meeting. Volunteering is a significant route onto the program and we endeavor to find spots for those who wish to attend the meeting.
The 2020 meeting will be held April 8–11 in San Francisco, California, at the Westin St. Francis.
Submitting a paper is no obstacle to volunteering: if your paper is accepted, you are released from any chairing or commenting obligations. Please note: Paper submissions will open on August 1 and close on September 2.
To volunteer, please complete a volunteer form. You’ll be asked to supply your name, affiliation, email address, and areas of interest. If you’ve volunteered in the past, please be sure to select the “renewals” option.
Please note that all program participants, including presenters, chairs, and commentators, must register for the meeting.
The program for the Pacific meeting will be finalized by October 14. If your offer to volunteer has not been adopted by the program committee by that time, we thank you and hope that you will volunteer again in future years.
Thank you,
Becko Copenhaver
Pacific Division Secretary-Treasurer

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Mitch McConnell's on the wrong side of history. JENNIFER WEXTON.

David, June is Pride Month. It’s a time to celebrate the LGBTQAI+ community, promote their visibility and dignity, recommit to fighting for their equal rights.

But that’s not the message being sent from the White House. The Trump administration continually seeks to allow bigotry. They’ve made it harder for same-sex couples to adopt, and just last month ended an Obama-era rule that protected transgender Americans in public housing programs from discrimination.

I am a proud ally of the LGBTQAI+ community. And I will do everything in my power to stop these attacks against American citizens.

The House recently passed the Equality Act to end discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. This bill is sorely needed right now and has widespread public support, but Mitch McConnell is refusing to bring it to a vote in the Senate.

Let’s start Pride Month by showing our solidarity -- and showing Mitch McConnell that he’s on the wrong side of history. Add your name and help me get 20,000 signatures to demand a Senate vote on the Equality Act!

I won’t rest until Americans no longer face discrimination because of who they are or who they love. We’ve made so much progress in the last decade, but we have to fight harder than ever in the face of these obstacles set by Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell.

I know we can do this if we stand together. Please add your name to stand with me today.

Thank you,


Rep. Jennifer Wexton proudly serves the 10th District of Virginia. She's fighting to create a strong economy, ensure equality for all, and invest in a better future for America.


I've got a plan to make sure that no president is above the law: Pass a law clarifying Congress’s intent that the Department of Justice can indict the President of the United States. If you agree, sign our petition.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Another tragedy in Virginia. JENNIFER BOYSKO.

Dear David,
I was heartbroken to hear the tragic news of the mass shooting in Virginia Beach this week. The twelve victims who lost their lives and the four who were injured did not deserve this fate.

Gov. Northam is calling members of the Virginia General Assembly into special session to address gun violence in Virginia. He and I believe that we cannot just offer prayers to those who were killed and injured and condolences for those who lost loved ones. We must keep working to find ways to make real policy changes that will ensure that this never happens again. We have to take this horrific event as yet another cue to work even harder to prevent gun violence.

This is a devastating time for all Americans who continue to live in fear of gun violence where they work, where they eat, and where they go to school.

Every single day, 100 people are killed by gun violence. Shockingly, this year so far, there have already been more than 22,600 instances of gun violence in the U.S. This was the deadliest US shooting, not in a decade, but since last November. 

This kind of violence is way too familiar in this country, and it saddens me to the core. To suggest that we should not act is unconscionable.

We will keep those victims of this shooting in Virginia Beach, as well as the 22,600 other victims who have lost their lives, in our hearts as we move forward as a state to help prevent future tragedies. This weekend, join Everytown for Gun Safety in its Wear Orange Weekend and National Gun Violence Awareness Day. If you can, please attend a local #WearOrange Weekend event in your community on June 8th and 9th. Just text ORANGE to 644-33 to find one near you.
Kindest regards,
 - Sen. Jennifer Boysko
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P.O. Box 247
Herndon VA 20172 United States