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Saturday, May 11, 2019

Add your name: Tell Barr to allow Mueller to testify. U.S. REP. JENNIFER WEXTON.


The American people deserve one thing from Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation: the truth.

This isn’t about political parties, this is about understanding everything that happened in the 2016 election, how foreign parties might have interfered, and ensuring Congress can act so it never happens again.

That’s why it’s so important to have Special Counsel Mueller testify before Congress -- so that everyone can hear directly from him about what he learned, what is in his report, and what he recommends next.

Here’s the problem: Attorney General Barr has proven that he cannot and should not be trusted to oversee this process. He has repeatedly acted not as an agent of law enforcement, but as a representative of the Trump administration.

We must act quickly and build public pressure to force Attorney General Barr to do the right thing. Will you add your name here and send a clear message to Barr that he must allow Mueller to testify before Congress?
Barr must act in the nation’s best interest, and not Trump’s. Your signature to this petition is how we force him to do that.

Thank you for standing up,

Team Wexton

Rep. Jennifer Wexton proudly serves the 10th District of Virginia. She's fighting to create a strong economy, ensure equality for all, and invest in a better future for America.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Journal of the American Philosophical Association Volume 5, Issue 1.

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Higher Logic
The American Philosophical Association
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Thursday, May 9, 2019

AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Comment or chair at the 2020 Eastern Division meeting.

American Philosophical Association


The program committee for the 2020 APA Eastern Division meeting would like to invite volunteers to serve as session chairs or commentators for submitted papers at the upcoming meeting in Philadelphia, PA, January 8–11, 2020. Please note that the meeting is now held in January, not in December. You may volunteer by using this online form.
Your information will be given to the program committee so that you may be considered as a chair or commentator for a submitted paper. The committee has sent out acceptance notifications for submitted papers; invitations to chairs and commentators are expected to go out this month.
Volunteering does not guarantee that you will be asked to comment or chair. The program committee also makes use of other sources for possible commentators and chairs, including the authors of submitted papers that were not accepted. The number of volunteers usually far exceeds the number of positions that need to be filled. The committee does not notify those volunteers who have not been selected.
Please note that all program participants, including presenters, chairs, and commentators, must register for the meeting.
If you have questions, please contact me.
Jeffrey Dunn
APA Eastern Division Secretary-Treasurer

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Trump’s DOJ just argued in court to overturn the Affordable Care Act.

But Jennifer and Democrats in Congress are fighting back now to strengthen the law and protect Americans with pre-existing conditions.

Add your name today to stand with Jennifer!

Jennifer ran for Congress last year on a promise: to make healthcare more accessible and affordable, and to stand strong against the Republican efforts to kick millions of Americans off of their health insurance.

Clearly, Trump and his party didn’t get the message that voters sent across the country. Last week, the Department of Justice sent a court brief in support of a lawsuit to overturn the Affordable Care Act.

So Jennifer and her Democratic colleagues in Congress are stepping up. They’re preparing to vote on legislation to increase ACA subsidies that provide relief to working-class families.

To send a clear message that the American people are for expanding, not cutting, healthcare, we need to get 5,000 signatures in support of our efforts in the next 24 hours. Will you add your name right now?
Jennifer will continue to keep her promise -- because too much is at stake if the ACA is overturned.


Team Wexton

Rep. Jennifer Wexton proudly serves the 10th District of Virginia. She's fighting to create a strong economy, ensure equality for all, and invest in a better future for America.